
I mean obviously I doubt he has many average days.

But how much actual boring human activity does he do?!

A friend told me a funny story about going out to get food with the Flip team and Penny, but it’s not my story to tell. I’d say he has been very looked out for over the years and hasn’t had to worry about most normal every day things, like us mere mortals, haha.

He just seems to pop up in a different place every other day, London, Paris, Argentina, Brazil, Australia. He can’t have too many worries.

I’d love to see him skate vert again.


how you gonna tell us about the existance of a good story but not the good story itself! ultimate leading on right there

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Oof, I just did that FB thing of ‘voodoo is at the hospital’ but not saying why. Sorry. Really sorry, no, extremely sorry.


U ok Hun?

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lol lol and lol

@voodoo one for the anonymous stories thread?

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the first time I ever went to Nandos was with Penny

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What level heat did he go for?

Just the herby chicken?

Stoked on this thread.

Earlier comment regarding whether if he released the same parts today, whether he’d still get the limelight was interesting.
Obviously skateboarding has evolved massively since mid 90’s but honestly, if you saw the section below come out now, even with today’s context - do we not think people would be hyped on it?

With him it was never really about what he was doing, it was the manner in which it was done. Case in point - the High 5 section below.


That said - I think I agree with the 9 Club comments above.
I don’t think it would actually be any good - Penny stories are better coming from other people I think.


just to take it back to 97 when he was in london - and the mind melting session on this sketchy ramp at a snowboard show in battersea park. blessed to have witnessed this and gave me the opportunity to take three of the best photos in my archive and smoke a joint with him.
this first one is almost perfect frozen moment in time especially with the boots - except the board is in the wrong place…, i have since wondered if it was maybe an alley oop fs flip or halfway through a sw fs flip revert and that explains the placement, but even if it was a bail (honestly cant remember) i still love it

this was a head height backside flip

this was a backside ollie


I think that might be me on the platform. Great pics vital. Legendary.

That leather jacket. I remember those hikers and yeah that ramp was sketch as fuck.

Wow timeless penny shapes no matter what’s on his feet.

Top one looks like a sw fs flip revert to me.

Speaking of which, surely you’d have a good amount of stories or experience with him.

Guessing probably not a huge amount for public sharing though.

Okay how about we change “anonymous stories” to “anonymous penny stories” and y’all just go ham

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I don’t know about that, some things he did just weren’t being done at the time. A lot of it was the nonchalence though.