Personal photos and feedback

Thanks! But…It kind of only looks nice because of that nostalgia. It’s like the retro filter on Instagram.

I was definitely aiming for in focus and sharp but unlike Leo, I couldn’t figure that.

No dis to you, it’s still a rad pic but i think these just show the difference between a decent enough amateur and a real good pro. Not really a lot in it but there is something there that just makes it right.

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I think with a shot like this digital (if Leo’s was shot on digital) and a distance like this may come up better than film, but all depends on light, settings and film, as I’ve seen some great film shots at distance, for an shot on manual it’s still looks great.

I know for a fact photos I take are mediocre (but still love um), and will most likely never get me in any mags, and compared to the pros, I defo don’t know what I’m doing :joy:, but he’ll I do it for fun and to capture the moment

analogue vs digital isn’t really an issue if the user is talented and skilled. I see it as exactly the same as music. There are good and bad with both ways so they can both work for anything if used with knowledge and care.
I can’t take a pic to save my life, I wanted to and bought a camera years ago but my missus still takes a better pic on her phone.
I just can see that Leo’s pic is more professional looking, more considered but of course, it’s all subjective anyway.


Oh I completely get you, I do like Leo’s shot, just out of the two preferred London’s.

Indeed all depends on whose hands the camera is in as to the final result, I’ve had great captures with my phone, heck it’s got more megapixels than my camera.

Think this is the key difference really.
He knew what time the best lighting would be.
The other shot happened because it was happening, irrespective of lighting conditions.
Good shots, both.

Yeah, it might have been for work reasons with Skipp rather than lighting.

I was shooting VX. Only snapped a couple of photos while he was warming up. Skipp didn’t even know I’d shot anything until I sent him this a few days ago.

But yeah, Leo knew what he was doing plus had good kit whereas I had neither.

IIRC both are film.


Again, no dis, you could look at it this way… Both pics show that you have an eye for it, Leo just perfected your idea, he didn’t choose a totally different spot to shoot from, you had the right shot for the spot.

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None taken. At all!

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Shot this the other day



Still sorting through a shit load of old unorganised stuff…
This is December 2009. My mate Tom on our old mini ramp. This was so hard to shoot as I had a broken arm at the time…I had to shoot switch and setup with one hand.

Always liked this photo, though…and I really, really miss having that ramp.


Nice shot man.

@Londonskater mini ramps are always missed when they are gone, brilliant shot all things considered too :+1:.

I went out over weekend with some of the locals, grabbed about 55-60 shots, only a handful decently captured and makes.
Henry with a FS nose - wanted to make more use of the 15mm and these ledges were perfect spot

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My main gripe with that is that it looks like he’s skibbling around on the floor with a deck with no trucks etc.
Ledge needs to look like a ledge to appreciate the trick. I bet that ledge is amazing too.



Ooh, that’s dope.

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Got you covered there, and looking at it again yeah completely agree, does not look like a ledge at all lol


Ah yeah, nice! big ledge too.

Yip, I still like the fisheye, just need to work out a better way to shoot it at those ledges

catching up after my Dark binge

I don’t know a lot about streety stuff so I can’t always tell if something is difficult/difficult on that obstacle/etc or if the shot is early, or late. Gaining appreciation of this stuff all the time though, espec thanks to this thread.

The blue one is epic, really like that. Prefer the wide b&w to the closer colour blunt thing and I do like shots that show other photogs/filmers - like the OP said - cross referencing the multiple angles is interesting.

I think old old and film shots can be excused for blown out skies and highlights with digital this should be a thing though. How much post do people think is acceptable?

We are all friends here right? @Frasersnacks ace pic, sharp and great lighting - maybe straighten the horizon?

Loving the tight focus points from everyone too,