Pointless Topics


Crew cab pick up trucks are the absolute worst.

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Big black German car for sale. Excellent condition, brakes, passenger mirror and indicators never used.


Closest I ever came to cycle death (on the road) was an old Focus, I think. They were apologetic for missing shunting me under traffic by about two inches though, I think.

Cordless hoovers are dogshit.

Have had a Dyson one for 2 years which I got thinking it would be amazing and it’s been shit ever since the 1st week despite cleaning the shit out of it.

Just replaced it with a Shark wired hoover and it is as good as new after about 3 months use.

Also doesn’t need to charge and doesn’t clog up.

Shark > Dyson

We’ve got a cordless dyson too had it for about six years I think and use it all the time, it’s great for just grabbing and picking bits up as and when. But for hoovering the whole house or the cars Henry comes out from the cupboard under the stairs.

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We have a coedless vax. We got it after the corded vax blew up. I recently give the head a thorough dig out found loads of dust clogging it up. Cleaning it out properly seems essential to keep working properly

Dyson are rickety child’s toys.

Get a Miele


Hi Middle aged house husband here :wink:I’ve been on a vacuum cleaner journey for a few years. I can’t stand corded anything when it comes to tools. I’d not have a corded drill, chainsaw, lawnmower etc. I was always joking that I’d love a 2-stroke vacuum. I have gone through a corded Henry and Vax, both of which worked but the cord drove me nuts and they were a pain in the arse to move around. Got a G-Tech which was pretty Fisher Price and didn’t really do the job. Upgraded to a Dyson and was happy with that. Got a dog and got a better Dyson. Stoked. Have just got a Miele Tri Flex. Pricey but it’s the best yet. Can’t fault it at all.

Had the same Henry for about 10 years.
He’s always working, always got a smile for me.


Yep, had all the dysons over the years and Shark smoked them all. Night and day difference


Same we’ve got a pink Hetty. It’s our second, the first one we had met a foul end when I got absolutely smashed and puked over a chair and carpet and in my stupor I thought I’d be able to Hoover it up, the moisture shorted the circuit board in the top and it blew. Not my finest moment.

+1 for Henry. Seem to last forever. Wife prefers Dyson and whilst they look pretty imo utter overpriced shite.

Miele all the way. Never been impressed with Dyson. I like the idea of cordless, but for hoovering the whole house? Not so sure.

For God’s sake all of you


‘Hoover’ is a brand name. It’s like saying ‘Tannoy’ when you mean ‘public address system’.

Jesus Christ.

You people.


Love hoovering.

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Just hoovering out my jeep.

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Just hoovered up my tea😋

Get a robotic vaccuum cleaner which will do the overall job just fine. Hang onto a Henry or whatever for awkward corners, stairs and spot disasters.

aye shark all the way, took a while for my wife to convert me after having to spend that much on a vacuum cleaner but now i’m fully down