Pointless Topics

The sad thing was already running before the melancholy/ollie was named - from sadplant, (which incidentally was named after Sadlands), it’s all in the straight front leg. Without straightening your front leg you’re just doing a backside grab. Before we said ‘meloncollie’ , which was quickly shortened to just ‘melon’,we’d say ‘sad grab’ . So the melon grab (backside sad grab) was already kind of a play on words from the start. I haven’t heard anyone say sad grab for a long time now though - it’s good that the term’s hung on somewhere.

Neil Blender did the method air in order to win a high air contest where the height was measured from where the skater’s board was…that was his ‘method’ to go the highest. He later did the opposite, in that he grabbed in the same way but turned frontside, hence the name - Neil reversed became Lien. They, (lien airs) can be grabbed both ways. Properly backside for a methoded out lien air or, as is more commonplace, like you said, nearer to the nose, especially when going to tail. Frontside melons are grabbed backside with the front hand but have to have the sad/boned out front leg in order for them to be considered melons…but you all knew that :+1:


Isn’t there a Partridge thread? The third one’s up and it’s not as unfunny. Some really terrible stuff (interview with the Guardian guy) but there’s a few funny lines.

“Have you ever seen Spaghetti Junction? I had a helicopter ride over it for my 40th. Best birthday present I ever bought myself.”


Never doing one again :joy:


“Oh no, Duane Peters is offended!”

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“It’s amazing the lengths those engineers went to so we don’t have to drive through Birmingham”


Saw a tweet about the Hindenburg and wanted to learn more since I like a bit of aviation.

I had no idea that it was flying in New Jersey.

These picture are amazing. Something so weird about seeing a giant balloon with Swastikas flying over Manhattan.

Random instagram feed hit


I get those guys and this slow running twat all the time on my insta feed. No idea why.

You’re gonna get it a lot more now that you’re sharing it.

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On a Kate Bush buzz of late. I’d like to see someone skate to Suspended in Gaffa. I feel like the Isle guys could make it work really well somehow.

Mr. Harris, make it happen!

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Well, he does a have a point.

Maybe i was just at the optimum level of pissedness but i thought last nights Alan episode was great

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There is always one stand out, for me the last one was the Irish Alan look-a-like. Not caught up with this series yet.


You can definitely skip the first two.

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Not sure if I’ve ranted about this on here before. We went to visit the brother in law this afternoon. We were there about 4 hours and were not offered a drink. Not even tap water. Useless bastards.


Have you considered they may be camels? They can go ages without a drink.


Pull a range of drinks out your bag next time you visit and ask him to put them in the fridge


I treat my sisters house like my own and she does the same… I just get what I want, don’t ask, haha.