Heard that too, and it happened briefly with record shops. HMV would put stores near real record shops (I know the one of Oxford Street was a real record shop) and run them at a loss.
Any Android users get an alert today?
Not for me.
Did it tell you to deny it yeah?
On the old forum I got together with the old skater owned shops to warn other SOS shops of route scums tactics. This was 1999/2000.
They pretty much moved in and pushed out long standing SOS from their towns. They had a very strong mail order presence too.
So when the mid 2000 crash happened they closed the stores in the towns they pushed the SOS out of and went mainly web based . Leaving towns without the community skate shops they should have had.
I really don’t give a fuck about the people on here who are loyal to that scum company, they did the damage and they can’t brush it away.
They can try and fool the next generation with their skate owned ethos but they’re as skate as the royal family are English.
Frauds . Fuck em and all they do.
A fucking kite shop . Jesus wept
They opened one in Chester in 1996 or 97. It was called ‘Base Jump’ then IIRC there was a competition to rename the stores, which ended with the winner being Route One. It was very EXTREME SPROTS! and sold all manner of extreme sports shite. Including kites.
Memories of Route One are basically of hacky-sacks, kites, neon wristbands and Ben Leyden letting you shoplift.
Jesus fucking wept. If they’re having this bullshit at my daughter’s school on Friday then she’s not going.
Wait, what? This isn’t that national choir crap our kids are being asked to be a part of right now, right?
It feels so un-British (to me anyway) it’s laughable.
Fuck off. Jerusalem? Are you kidding?
If you’re part of the Women’s Institution (WI). Haha…
If you’re English.
Could see it being used in the next Adam Curtis trailer.
I know we’ve all got one, but maybe pass this on to your mates:
I mean, why bother spending that few million quid to help feed your own starving kids outside of school, when the money would be better spent on sending some high-end prints of Lizzy to every household in the UK instead?
no queen, have a little statue of Mother Theresa.