Pointless Topics

Have you tried googling “How not to look like a fighter pilot”?


This seems more plausible.

I knew it!

Yes, I stopped and stared at the pack for about 15 minutes. Although I didn’t touch it.


Any tips on dealing with road rage. I’m getting exponentially more furious every time I get into the car.

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Watch a few of these


It depends I suppose, why are you getting mad in particular?

People pulling out on me at junctions. People not using their indicators (especially at roundabouts). People driving up my arse for no reason. People being in the wrong lanes at roundabouts. Shit parking. Terrible merging at junctions on the motorway. People going 20mph under the speed limit for no reason. List goes on and on.

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Get the bus?

Jesus fuck the mini at 1.10 set me off. Wtf are you doing.

This is great.

People in the wrong lanes I just try and give them room to either get in the right lane or just carry on and think about a time when I ended up in the wrong lane in some unfamiliar place. People going too slow I tend to think they’re probably old or just not very confident. Not using indicators and driving too close behind are things that annoy me but I don’t react any more because there’s nothing in it for me. They’ll be off on their way and I’ll never have to see them again.


Right. Coolwetgrass. Coolwetgrass.

Embrace it. Tailgate everyone, use your horn a lot it’s a great way to let off steam, put ‘Ante Up’ on repeat at max volume, smoke tabs aggressively.


I live v near a crazy beautiful beach village and have been enjoying the correlation between the size of car and lack of spatial awareness on the lanes this summer.
Bonus points are awarded for stinking modified VW transporter
Point multiplier for stand up paddleboard mum #wildswimming


I think you are angry because other people are not sharing your sense of urgency. Think to yourself what catastrophic event you are thinking of if you don’t get let out after this car or that car, or whatever. Normally there isn’t one, you just think if you get home 5 seconds earlier it will make some meaningful difference to your life or prevent some tragedy from happening, but it won’t. Whenever anyone cuts me up I think to myself ‘maybe he is racing to get to hospital to see his kid being born, or some other reason that I will never know’

I drive at the speed limit everywhere now, it’s great, other dickheads need to chill the fuck out, not me


One of the reasons I voted for the green party. Climate change seems like the most important issue at the moment. I’m not sure the labour party would go far enough in their green policies and the tories are hopeless.

  1. If you’re held by 20 seconds, so what? Are you transporting organs for transport? No. Are you blazing your way to the hospital for the birth of your kid? No. It doesn’t matter.
  2. Watch all those Ogmios vids, I think there’s just 3 though. The second was my favourite.
  3. Even if you do get in a fight, you’ll probably get your ass kicked by some genuine dickhead who really wants to kick off. I remember seeing a road rage incident a few years back where this roided-up Cali Bro in his mid 20s was screaming into the window of a stopped car and the driver, of a similar age, was totally zenned out, staring into space, waiting for traffic to clear. The driver stayed silent and impassive while the Roider kept screaming at him to get out and fight. Eventually, the Roider’s adrenaline just dropped and he crumbled to the ground in a sobbing mess.
  4. You don’t want to end up on r/idiotsincars or r/idiotsfightingthings.
  5. Cycle more, especially for local journeys.
  6. TL;DR. It doesn’t matter, just breathe.

“The shadow, coming to a morgue near you”

I do like these.

My bugbear is people cutting corners when turning right, nearly hitting me and looking at me like I’m in the wrong :man_shrugging:


CBD oil I find has been great for stress, anxiety and anger, but only strong stuff. Can link if curious about it. I’ve tried so many supplements but this is the only one to have made a significant difference to my mental health. It doesn’t make you drowsy or high as has no thc so safe for driving I’m pretty sure.

Worse than that is the swing out to turn left manouevre. WTF is that about?


Just went on a few errands including dropping my son off at nursery. Few incidents that would’ve riled me up but I pretended to be that YouTube hero and it really worked! Rellllaaaaax