Pointless Topics

Always good!

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Jesus, you would have to be referencing me to make me make a comment on insta.
I remember this guy I know commenting on a Tony hawks post like ‘love ya tone mate’.

A like will suffice.


I’d agree there - Tony (etc) get enough comments from ‘enthusiasts’ - I mean more along the lines of props to a fellow middle age dad doing a kerb trick etc or positive comments on a smaller brands goods / services / etc.

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There is a fucking icicle from hell hanging off a rooftop near my office. Ice is meltin and there’s a footpath below. There was a crew of dudes on another building taking icicles down as they have killed people before

The icicle(s)


Fuck that’s gnarly

It’s about 1.5m tall. Yeah they could but there’s loads and the building management should sort out knocking them down. Surprised they haven’t by now

Makes me think of the church spire death in Hot Fuzz. Hope they do get knocked off asap!

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The church yard death scene in The Omen too.


Actually that was in the first omen film.


It always stuck me as a bit strange that after Father Brennan gets satanically javelined to death that a photo of his skewered corpse appears on the front page of a daily newspaper. Even though it’s a striking photo I think that, realistically, even these days, newspapers would probably draw the line at printing a photo of a speared vicar.


Edit: D’oh just got it… sorry, shouldn’t post and be on the phone. My brain can’t multitask today!

“The Omen too”

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That’s Damien: Omen Too., iirc.

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Two many to’s too choose.

What struck me was how he looks up and watches it fall the full height from the top of the church and rather than just take half a step in any direction he raises his arms and screams for about two seconds. Deserved it, fucking idiot.


Eddie Belvedere the latest in the line of skateboarders giving technically correct but completely misguided health advice.

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LOL yeah stupid healthcare, just have an apple u idiots.


Isn’t he a reasonably prolific smoker as well? I didn’t want to say so in the original comment in case I was wrong, but I’m sure I know that about him.

Saw some bodybuilder buying stuff in Home Bargains the other day, no mask, peacocking around making sure everyone saw him…and I imagined him having the exact same internal monologue.