Pointless Topics

I interviewed for a new job on Thursday which I wasn’t too excited for but did it anyway. It turned out to go really well and is an insane opportunity now that I know more about it.

Im happy where I am but now I can’t stop thinking about this new thing and i’m really impatiently waiting.

Will report back here when I get the good or bad news.


57 in our conservatory. Can wait to knock that thing down.


Walked to the postbox and can confirm it is hot outside.

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took the week off to sort out my bathroom.
spent the whole of the day so far at the beach.
v. hot but sweet cooling sea breeze levels everything off.


Hottest place I’ve been was Afghanistan. 50 degrees plus on the hottest days. It was like an oven I can remember sweating from every pore on my body. Elbow creases were sweating behind my knees were sweating. I was luckily that I didn’t spend the whole tour out on the ground, so I got to enjoy the luxury of air con when I was in Bastion.


How do you even go out on patrol in full gear? Don’t people just pass out?

I didn’t go on patrol due to my job but generally go out in the morning when it’s cooler. Take plenty of water etc, your body acclimatises roughly after 2 weeks of being in country, so you have to be aware of that when people came back off leave or when you first arrive. Stop in the shade where possible. There would be these slazenger electrolyte powders you’d mix with water. Bastion had their own water bottling plant so you’d just throw one in a bottle and mix it up. Commanders and anyone looking after people would be trained in the signs of heat exhaustion and told to plan patrols or work during the cooler parts of the day.


Just walked to local sk8park on lunch break and the yoots are trying to fry eggs on the flatbars :rofl:


They’ve been watching De Tuna’s instagram then.

Had to scrape ice off of my car this morning.

#makesyouthink #climate #whatsreallygoingon


Sorry for duplicate thread posts - but just in case anyone reading this doesn’t check the for sale thread, I’ve got a 3 day VIP camping ticket for Arctangent Festival going spare as I can’t attend anymore.

DM if interested.

My mum was telling me earlier she couldn’t find clingfilm anywhere. Not in Tescos or Costco. Is this a thing now or did she just happen to go on a day that everyone happened to be out of stock?

Dunno use those bee wax wrap things instead.

Farts still don’t smell the same to me after 2 years!


I got offered this job. It’s almost double my salary. Kind of life changing.

Will be travelling about 6 months of the year.

Stoked but still processing. I hate change.


That sounds awesome mate. Stoked for you! Whatever it is you’re doing, I’m sure you’ll crush it.

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Does anyone have any Marseille connection that could do me a favour in the city on Saturday morning?

Bit of a random post but I was trying to improve my ollies today and I found that when ollieing it was better while looking ahead of me rather than down at my feet/board which I had been doing all the time. Does that make sense? I’ve really neglected my ollies with doing loads of slappies with friends which is really fun but I’d like a decent ollie.


Yeah you shouldn’t really be looking at your feet

After a while you’ll ‘know’ roughly where your feet are

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It’s like doing sliding tricks (backtails, I’m looking at you), you don’t want to be looking at where you get on, you want to be looking at where you want to end up