Pointless Topics

Cheers, its my chippie uncle who offered to make it, i bet he has a router

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Yer Iv been and know the spot, not surprising they don’t care that skateboarders were using it

Just remembered in NZ they pronounce it raoter and snigger if you say rooter as it means shagger there. Bit rich from the people who say deck as dick we’ve got a lovely wooden dick out back, my family loves sitting on the dick at night etc

Edit that was an internet router not a wood router


I’ve just learned that I’m a decade older than Lola Tambling’s mum.


Haven’t had caffeine in 6 weeks, but just made myself a coffee as I wanted to try the Hard Lines beans I got.

I feel like Beibel in Yeah Right -‘It hits you hard bro’.


I used to drink a whole plunger pot full every day. Really affected my mood, made me really bad tempered so i stopped altogether.
Cool story eh

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Just looked her up. Thank God she is older than me.


I’m 14 years older. I’m practically her grandad.

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Haha, quick search, only 7 years older…

So she’s 39/40 right?

Based on my osmosis of various people’s ages on here.

Yup. I went to school with her so she’s just turned 40 (which means my 40th is fast approaching!)

First thing this morning I checked the surf reports/ forecasts and some webcams. Things looking good. Then thought I’d just have a peek at the BBC weather online - anyone else having 80-115 mph winds predicted for the next 36hrs? Should have stuck with the Met Office :joy:

Edit; there’s just been an update. 17,000 mph now on the cards.

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6000+ for Chepstow.

Must be them bloody Democrats up to their tricks again.


Hmmm :thinking:


Not quite as windy as Darlington, but potential highs of 403 degrees today and tomorrow!

Edit: or are they supposed to be lows?!

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Overnight usually I think, might have to go back to the summer duvet.

It certainly doesn’t feel very Hurricaney out there.

always fuck with the met over all others


met someone called Malakai this evening.
i mentioned Children of the Corn, then decided to head towards explaining Lakai and Mike Carroll.
enriching smoking areas out here like wot