Primitive ‘Define’ full length video AKA Joey Suriels Belt

That line is honestly one of the few that I can remember from the whole video

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Dunno if you’re baiting on this but I’ll bite.

It’s a game changer on paper but feel the whole presentation of it is going to make it fairly forgettable in the long term, it was so one note and flat. I don’t think skating really works in epochs anymore.


No way is it on par. For a vid like that everything has to be exceptional, and Define will not get any rewatches over here because of the dismal music



Yeah, I totally disagree on it being a game changer.
It was exactly what I expected.

So we stay on the same path…


Joey Suriels belt hahahaha

Just feels a very lazy cop out; that style of music works best in 1 minute instagram clips. Also how fast that sort of music moves is going to make the video seem dated in a years time.

To be honest maybe I’m trying to hold Primitive to some higher standard. They’re not going for the ‘timeless’ angle, as they’ll just release another hour long full length in six months time that will one up and invalidate a lot of this one anyway. They know their target market aren’t looking for something to come back to in years to come and I guess that fine. There’s no attempt or want for any sort of art or craft to this, its more like here’s the best skating right now put to the hottest music right now. Kinda like the Marvel of skate videos.

I this Primitive video did exactly what it had to do. Established them as the current pack leader of superhuman skate teams.

Also glad Gifted Hater picked up on Tiago’s plaid shirt outfit. He was wearing that shirt on King of Macba all sweated out and I totally understood why he chose to wear that regardless of how hot he got because it looked dope.

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Can’t believe gifted hater didn’t like the James brown track. How can you not like James brown?


The more I watch this the more ridiculous and dumb it seems.

Fakie big spin down 3 stairs to sunglasses rideaway is ultimate 13 year old looking cool in the 6 week holiday streez


Proper man ont road.

I absolutely detest Robert Neal.



*fakie frontside


I can’t even remember whether I’ve watched this video


I hate that Michael Fabricant so much that I created this account just to agree with your 11 month old post.