
Nice! Those Oliver Frey covers…. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I was big into Crash!, the ZX Spectrum mag. Did you know Oliver Frey was also well know for his gay erotica.


I think I’d read that at some point, likely when seeing where the guys that did the mag are these days. I’d admittedly totally forgotten though :smile:

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Not opened it yet!


Got my shipping notification earlier.

Really looking forward to getting into this, only I’m now away all weekend …

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Mine turned up today.
It’s fucking brilliant.

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Just spotted a flick through and I’m sure I saw @barf. Ahhhh, looks like he’s focussed again. Shame.

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Yeah, he’s in there.
Come back Barf.

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It is. Worth every penny as a lot of the pics ended up on my wall :rofl:

I have a fairly small collection of skate books but this is so close to home. Nice to see a bit of Liverpool in there too (Dalton! and Rowley).

Looking forward to mine coming today.
As much as Barf turns me into an annoying poster, I wish him well and to come back too and I look forward to seeing him in the book of nostalgic dreams.

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Barf has been trending for a while now

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the photos alone are outstanding.
the writing, weaving generations of skater’s experience into a coherant story is heroic.
and yes, Simon Evans laughing about looking like a banana; Floor’s Phat modelling, were absolute highlights.

massive massive props to all involved.
TLB’s nourishing of encouraging people to get involved - with skating, with the mag - is life-affirming

Oh shit… the penny drops
Ha ha

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his transfer sequences :heart_eyes:

Jacob Rosenberg book pre-order

eeek $70


£55… Slightly more than a regular book, but that’s what, less than 20p per picture? Can’t go wrong with that timeframe, too. And Jacob rules.



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Art. I think

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I actually like how the website did that too. I just bought a copy.