Nice! Those Oliver Frey covers….
I was big into Crash!, the ZX Spectrum mag. Did you know Oliver Frey was also well know for his gay erotica.
I think I’d read that at some point, likely when seeing where the guys that did the mag are these days. I’d admittedly totally forgotten though
Got my shipping notification earlier.
Really looking forward to getting into this, only I’m now away all weekend …
Mine turned up today.
It’s fucking brilliant.
Just spotted a flick through and I’m sure I saw @barf. Ahhhh, looks like he’s focussed again. Shame.
Yeah, he’s in there.
Come back Barf.
It is. Worth every penny as a lot of the pics ended up on my wall
I have a fairly small collection of skate books but this is so close to home. Nice to see a bit of Liverpool in there too (Dalton! and Rowley).
Looking forward to mine coming today.
As much as Barf turns me into an annoying poster, I wish him well and to come back too and I look forward to seeing him in the book of nostalgic dreams.
the photos alone are outstanding.
the writing, weaving generations of skater’s experience into a coherant story is heroic.
and yes, Simon Evans laughing about looking like a banana; Floor’s Phat modelling, were absolute highlights.
massive massive props to all involved.
TLB’s nourishing of encouraging people to get involved - with skating, with the mag - is life-affirming
Oh shit… the penny drops
Ha ha
his transfer sequences
Jacob Rosenberg book pre-order
eeek $70
£55… Slightly more than a regular book, but that’s what, less than 20p per picture? Can’t go wrong with that timeframe, too. And Jacob rules.
Art. I think
I actually like how the website did that too. I just bought a copy.