
Well this is what the internet was made for…


surely he’s done a greasy chip butty vid, can’t be a sheffield trip without one

I miss ploughman sandwiches as I don’t have dairy anymore, and bacon sandwiches, classic thing that veggies miss. I wonder if you can get a decent substitute for either.

I eat fish though and always thought I didn’t like tuna. I had my first tuna baguette the other day and it was great. This looks banging:


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Spot on :joy:


Now this is a thread!


Lunch from the Italian deli down the road. Nom.


I had this today, veggie version…it’s no cheese and pickle but it is really good.

It’s also £5.75 not £575.

Not sure if it counts (I’ve been calling it a burger) but I’m really into battered calamari, bit of lettuce, bit of Mayo, in a crusty cob.

Not sure it’s doing my cholesterol levels any favours but it’s worth it…

At least post a picture of the fucking sandwiches @jimo @cleam.clackers

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Waaaay too late

Yeah sorry forgot. Something for next time.

This thread makes me want to try a bacon and soda bread sandwich for breakfast, I just think the melted butter would be a nightmare and again defeat the point of being a sandwich, having to stand over a plate.

I heard that lettuce is supposed to be at the bottom of a hamburger specifically to stop the juice soaking into the bun. Can anyone validate this sensational claim?

I’d say that is correct, who whats lettuce covering and ruining your cheese? I’d only have a cheese burger.

But what about lettuce on top of the cheese to stop juice ruining the delicious uppermost brioche

Double up on the lettuce? I don’t know. I just know I’d prefer it on the bottom now I’ve actually had to think about it. If the only option was top or bottom.

What’s the consensus on “open sandwiches”? I for one am not a fan.