
I hope you cleared your internet search history after that.

Like someone tried to recreate a pair of Emericas from memory

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Looks like someone typed ‘Emerica’ into that AI app Build posted the other week.


Those Air Monarch things are massive.

eS playing the “how close can we get to that other shoe without lawyers being interested” game


They own all their designs.

Don Brown: “We own all of the pro shoes 100%. We own the design, and we can do whatever we want with it. We’re just holding back, but we’re definitely looking into that stuff because the demand for that stuff is so high.


They are well nice. Fucking having a go on those .


If that’s the case and demand is so high why not just release them? Kostons, Creagers, would be in high demand, Penny is a no-brainer, they could sneak PJ and Rodrigo Tx’s shoes out tomorrow and they’d look just like their modern stuff, and there’s probably a market for say, Danny Garcia, or Rick McCrank. It’s like they’re willingly turning down free money. Unless it’s something to do with having lost the moulds and tooling for those models?

This also confirms that they could release a new Square One tomorrow and they’re not doing which is an absolute travesty.


I’d love to see the first Garcia shoe make a return, I loved those.

He had 4 models didn’t he? 3 separate ones and a mid top of the 2nd? All of them were great looking and in really classy colourways. My mate had a black/brown/white pair that had red accents and it sounds like a clusterfuck but they were mint.

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The Square One was in the line for a few years when the brand returned.
I guess it didn’t do too well, hence it disappearing again.

Is this not what is happening?

Controversial opinion… Sole Tech has been stinking since those shoes with the big E on the side in 93…

I seriously don’t get the love… I’ve worn my fair share of skater owned brands over the years but I feel that whole era is over. Horses for courses of course…

I like that big E.
Not a fan of the moon boots, tho. But I guess that applies to any brand.


In fairness I did like them… a Gazelle that probably lasted longer than a month… I’ll just keep throwing out opinions…

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If them non-kostons were the original navy/gum I’d be sorely tempted.
I mean I still wouldn’t but it would at least cross my mind none the less.

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Everyone is entitled to an opinion I suppose, there’s nothing wrong with being wrong

They’ve made great skate shoes for years. They’ve made some great looking shoes over the years. They have also made some absolute abominations

They get a pass on a lot of what they do because of their history and because Don Brown is such an absolute don


Cards on the table. I work freelance and my main customer is Soletech.

I’ll tell you this much…It’s really nice not having to explain skateboarding and how it works in a zoom meeting. That happens more than you think at larger skate brands.


True but I want the stuff they make to actually be items I’d want to buy, there’s very little from Emerica or Etnies that I like these days. Though the Tilt vulc in those MJ colours look pretty tasty.


it’s not eS’ fault you’re out of touch :stuck_out_tongue: surely you want some brightly coloured sketchers rip offs?