
Huge toe :-1:


You reckon?

Will cop unless there is a pair of Super Aloha’s out there.

Spent too much money on SB’s.

Ewwwwwww :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

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Dads-taken-up-tennis-again-at-age-52 vibes


The shape looks a bit awkward.

This is my problem with the Busenitz too. That and they only lasted my 2 skates.

Screenshot 2022-06-19 at 12.02.09

They kinda remind me of this…


Friend of mine used to date him, actually proper sound lad. Played lots of table football with him one night at a party

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He made me laugh here so I can imagine him being sound.

I’m really not having fun with these Kalis vulcs I’m skating at the moment. Fine around the heel and middle, but the toe box/area/front feels like it has bagged out super quick and is loose, probably as my feet are fairly small. Too much space inside and thus feels nasty.

Bought some What the Pauls. Was gunna buy a new TV this month but the price was a steal.

Got the VXs out now I know my child won’t destroy them (touch wood).

All that text scattered around them makes them look a bit fisher price.


Perhaps the text just needs to be more considered, and at least relate to how it is all arranged on the camera?

Take away Peak and Player or reposition them and they’ll be fine!

I liked the look of these in the earlier photos I saw but I’m less sure now:

Toe looks a little stubby and the laces go on forever?

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Buzzing is an understatement. hate incoming


What trousers are you going to wear, though?

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Something nice and understated and tasteful you wouldnt want to stand out and look silly


Something like this