

That’s an ad from 1998, the tongue looks nowhere near as big.

This is an ad from a similar time.

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eS accel was and always will be a terrible and ugly shoe unless you’re PJ or Penny.

Look at how they are laced though, the tongues are squishy sho they would squash in. I do think you’re right to a degree though. Pretty sure they did slightly change over the years. They obviously chose the version where they were the chunkiest.

And no Hugo, you’re unbelievavly wrong. Accels are so so good looking. Not all colourways mind.

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I’ve been wearing the Accel Slim for a few years now. Don’t think I could go back to the OG version. Definitely looks like the original ones to me, with that puffed up tongue. I has a few pairs back then.

I kinda don’t mind this Drew colab. At least Beiber does roll around on a skateboard and could probably choose to do this with any brand. I’ve seen a few photos for a while, where he’s wearing those OG Accel, so you know it’s not a flash in the pan thing, and he’s not really going to benefit in either financial or audience from doing this. If it helps shine a bit of light on eS to the Hypebeast type crowd, then all well and good. Can’t see them shifting all those oversized retro designs to skaters!! (but what do I know?)

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Yellow and brown always looks terrible on shoes and clothing.

Shoe is fine, the collab extras are the problem but does it matter? No cool people like sole tech anyway, Considered just above Revive for most people nowadays.

Have you heard about that Arto Saari dude from Finland?


Same point.

I’m sure you’d like them if you found them in Urban Outfitters.


I’ve never bought anything from there. They has a load of sex skateboards stuff on the sale rail though.

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Hahaha, I was joking mate.

I had a couple of pairs of Etnies Arto when I couldn’t get Accels.

You mean the Rune ones? Me too, they were really good.
Arto was always on Es. I had a couple of his prototypes.

Wow, I did wonder if it sold much outside of Sheff. Not my cup of tea at all but it would be nice to think that Louis is making bank (sale rail notwithstanding).

Etnies Arto.

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Oh, never saw that one. The Rune was better, ha.

Accels were amazing.
I bought some OG ones a couple of years back and returned them because they were gigantic.
They absolutely were bigger than the real OG.

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I never skated the OGs, but I did buy a few boxes of various Accels from different years. I didn’t notice any real difference, maybe except the tongue like others are saying.

Someone pointed out on Slap the difference with something like 2004’s toe cap and the general silhouette of the shoe, compared to the shape afterwards (which is what the remake is set to now).

I think the toe is too stubby on the OG remakes.

Omg I’m fairly certain I had those shoes. Unless there was a very similar Rowley XLT

I had millions of these - loved them. White Gum x 5 pairs. And they did these all red and all royal blue colourways. I used to wear one red shoe and one blue shoe. I’m upset about this.