Sidewalk Archive

I haven’t looked, I’ve been really busy. I can’t picture it but I know I’ve definitely got it. Get the issue number and I’ll scan it.

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Thanks man. No idea on the issue number sadly, @anonymity do you remember? Or who shot the sequence?

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Or what was on the cover.

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Had a big ol’ trawl earlier on google images but couldn’t find anything useful. Feck.

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I’ll find it at the weekend


Cheers dude!

read an interview with either Magnus Bordewick or Marcus Shaw, and their dedication to having different outfits for tricks; that triggered memories of a treasured Sidewalk article - Manzoori’s 86,400 Seconds, where he wore the same thing all weekend
(I think)


biggup @buildafire for the countless hours preserving, archiving and scanning skate magazines.
the internet would be a poorer place without him


Bigup everybody that cares enough to make it worthwhile.


Big up yellow t shirts around the millennium too!


Hang on, I always thought this was the same guy, but with a half-time name change or something. Norwegian-Scottish fella who moved to Oslo from Glasogw with the family when he was 12 or so. Loves his shelltoes and sleeveless jackets and his name sounds like a hybrid of 2 MUFC footballers, imaginary or real.

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hahaha, the 20s equivalent of Jason Gayle and Caine Maxwell


Hey dude, I’m sure it’s way down the list in terms of priority but thought I’d ask if you got anywhere with that sequence? Cheers!

@anonymity any joy chief? Ta.