The third one is the best so far. I’m glad they did a three episode drop in one night, so we didn’t have to wait three weeks to get to this point.

Oh, this series is sick. Solid sci-fi/drama which just happens to have the odd tie fighter zipping past here and there.

Really liking it…

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I’m loving this so far, probably the most depth we’ve had from a star wars project since rogue. Getting a serious wire vibe. The set design, costumes, CG the performances, all superb. I was so certain that officer “space presbo” would be promoted after messing up. That shot of him arriving on brightly lit plazas of courosant only to take the lift down into the lower depths back to his mum. Mon monthas rocky marriage will be interesting looking forward to the dinner party I wonder if they’ll chuck leia in there. Skasgards little flourish after donning his costume and getting into character.

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Saw these on another forum I lurk. London estate for courosant

And the Maclaren f1 showroom.

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Still waiting to see the bits they shot down the road from me in Cleveleys.

Tense and beautifully filmed, this felt like a proper heist, not flashy and all lasers blazing, blowing off doors. An actual well thought out and timed plan, unlike Obi Wan breaking into Fortress Inquisitorius. This really does feel like Star Wars for adults (and not just because there was more swearing and smoking cigs).


Im enjoying it. Surprised at the end with who made it out and the change in character. So glad no one has used the force.

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Episode 5 didn’t do anything for me. Nothing. Happened.

We could have had the clash between Andor and the crew in episode 4, and the pilgrimage to the Imperial base. It would have added maybe 10-15 minutes with clever editing. Also why bring in the conversations between the police dude and his mum, no one gives a shit about that and again didn’t add anything to the story.

Episode 6 did a better job, but the cutting back and forth between what was going on with the heist and the Glastonbury gang was predictable and boring and didn’t add any tension for me. They should have added in some shots of the night display ramping up to match the pace. The last 10 minutes or so were gorgeous but the opening did drag. I also loved the senate scene.

I love the look and feel, but there’s a hell of a lot of filler.

Oh, I don’t think it is filler - it feels like dialogue which has to happen because no one knows exactly where this is all headed…or why the other people are there as they all have different ideologies.

The new episode was probably one of the best hours of Star Wars in forever. It was fucking ace.

It’s good but not really very Star Warsy apart from the sets etc. I’d have been bored fucking shitless watching this if I was 10.

But, thats the idea, right? There are 10 or more films and probably almost ten TV shows all under the star wars banner aimed at 10 year olds.

This is definitely aimed at adults.

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Yeah but to me I’m not sure it’s really Star Wars any more with no spaceship battles, light sabre duels that sort of thing. I am enjoying it and I’m nitpicking but this could have been set in 1940s France and it would have made almost no difference to anything. But then I guess there’s not as big of a ready made audience for that.

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Deffo spaceship battles.

To me, it does feel very Star Wars without having everyone somehow related to the Skywalker story.
It has the bureaucracy of the prequel trilogy and the backwater feelings of Cloud City in the Original Trilogy. Or Jakku from the Sequel Trilogy.

Remember: Cloud City was stormtrooper free. There was a deal in place so the empire didn’t operate there. That’s just like the opening city, up until the Empire decide they will now take over as something fishy is going on.

I’m glad there are no lightsabers.
This is set in a time where the Jedi are fucked. All hunted down and killed. So, a lightsaber is probably not the weapon of choice. And the Rebellion didn’t exist. And I guess largely, the Empire ruled with laws and paperwork. Not with armed Stormtroopers everywhere.


Am assuming you are referring to uniforms worn by the Tie Fighter pilots (which are in the same as they were in the original films).

The clones were based of Jango Fett, played by that guy from New Zealand. But i think they were conscripted anyone after that.

But it does seem alot of the ex storm troopers are. From what i remember.

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I just looked this up…

Clone Troopers - Based off Jango Fett
Storm Troopers - Recruited. Male, Female, Human, Non-Human (But humanoid)…Just can’t be a’a little short’ as Leia once noted.

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IIRC Fin was taken as a child and never had a name, just his Storm Trooper code, right? Jedi (younglings) are scouted from a very young age. Anakin was seen as too old to train. I’m sure lots of people enlisted too, wanting to move up in the society/Empire (more on the officers side). I just think the Empire would of liked all of them to be enslaved and brain washed into their killing machines from as young as possible.
Leia says in A New Hope how the Storm Troopers were bad on purpose, as they let them escape, so she has seen how deadly they are but that seems to be forgotten and the bad aiming joke started to become folk-law, then even written into it. Like in Mando.

I also think fights and shoot outs are often used more as a filler than any dialogue, it’s just slow paced to the usual Sci-Fi movies that we are used too, Marvel, ect… I hate it when a fight or chase scene takes up a third of the film. That feels lazy.

Also Jedi are a rare thing to see in the wild even in their heyday, very small numbers compared to the vast galaxy and this is set after Order 66, so even rarer and now in hiding. A time when they are being quickly forgotten about, even Han doesn’t believe in the Force in A New Hope, set right after this. So the Star Wars we know, is all but forgotten at this point.

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Oh, 100%. Some of the best Sci Fi I’ve ever seen is slow burn.

…but also, agree with all you just said.
I’m really enjoying this angle of the SW universe.

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My mum has made this for my son’s birthday. So cool.