Spot spotting

I’m paranoid rub bricking and spraying lacquer on a curb. Pretty hardcore work that is!

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Local councils have bigger issues to worry about tbf.

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I plead guilty to grind larceny, your honour.


Maybe try and avoid incinerating the shrubbery :joy:


There was someone in the states who slappied a curb and because it was caught on CCTV they are suing him. There was a go fund me to help with the legal fees

I guess you could argue you’re improving the resistance of the brickwork or something…?

Went to the new plaza in Cardiff at 7.30am this morning before work. It’s almost too perfect.

If you’re good at skating ledges you could just retire there. I didnt have the balls to try anything more than boardslides on the curbs because I was on my zig zagger with ricta clouds.

Check it out if you ever get a chance.

Edit: Oops. Wrong thread. Oh well.


pics pls


too much grass. 0/10


We* need more casual narrated roll around plaza / park videos.

*I need more…


looks lovely.
is that still defined as a plaza?

I am going to try and swing a trip to Cardiff on my dadlands adventure, because years ago I said that spit and sawdust was rad and I wanted to visit… so I’m going to visit. Maybe I’ll sneak in a roll here too


It is a nice place to skate, but it’s quite poorly built the transition on the quarters is awful, there are a few dips and troughs in the concrete, and the curbs are quite wobbly and breaking up a bit. The ledges are amazing and the rail is fun.

It was designed by Kanten Russell at New Line skateparks in collab with CSC and built by some guys who do playgrounds and parks.

We were a bit disappointed when we saw the finished build it didn’t quite live up to the promise of the design. Also, yes…too much grass!

But it IS really fun.


Oh, also we are overdue a catch up with the guy working with the council in Caridff, but they have a 20 year plan for skateboarding which has been approved and includes all kinds of good stuff like mini skateable spots around the city and stuff. The popularity of Spit and Sawdust has really helped the council to get behind skateboarding!


Meaning to pop down to Spit this year with my daughter, looking like we’re booked up for most weekends at the moment which is a pain.

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Instant bust brick transition spotted at Barbican earlier


Looks like someone did a messy bondo job on it…

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I’ve just come back from Madrid. Is there some reason why we don’t see that much Madrid footage? I saw some amazing spots (half of which don’t even look like they’ve been skated) the vast majority of which I’ve never seen any footage. I also didn’t see a single skater all week

I once wrote an article for free about this very subject.

Lots of OG plaza de colon footage then not too much until recently

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