UK school builds bowl!
UK school builds bowl!
Never stop hopping fences
Don’t worry mate I know you had this on Google earth over a decade ago it’s fine
I think there’s some realy old manzoori footage on it. Does that sound right @Londonskater ?
Oh, wow. that’s possible. He used to skate Cantelowes a lot and it’s not that far, really.
Of all people, he would be most likely.
ATV who explored the city…
So, he shot a photo there he thinks. With Leo Sharp.
Pre-blue fence. Gravel run up.
He’s not sure where it ended up being used.
Anyone know?
I can ask Leo but would be fun to find it…
Edit: I asked Leo. He shot a Pivot Fakie there of Mike. Good work @Gconroy !
Yes! I’m sure I’ve seen that. I’m trying to recall where though.
Last night I did a bit of reverse engineering and tried to work out how I found the spot initially.
I believe dan joyce posted a photo of it on insta, and it had the insta geo tag of the general area or a park name was written on a sign and i did some street mapping until I found the park itself.
Had a look on Joyce insta and couldn’t find it. I have no idea how I knew about the manzoori photo there.
Does he backside air it in an old section?
Have you always known about it? I know a few guys were aware of it, pre refurb also
Yeah, but it was basically unskateable. I mean, Manzoori described it as having a gravel run up and that was 25 years ago…so you can imagine how fucked it has been over the past decade.
It was like that hip spot near Battersea Bridge which Conor skated. 60mm soft wheels or you ain’t rolling.
Leo reckons the photo is in his filing cabinet, unscanned. He’s not sure where it ran but I’d bet on it being Sidewalk.
Maybe @anonymity remembers?
I definitely saw it on a screen. I assume insta. Might have a post pub manzoori YouTube binge in the office toilets later…
Ahhh…The second best use for office toilets!
Isn’t there a photo of him doing a bs air out of a wooden quarter, somewhere in London? Old cantelowes? On a filmer board?
Or I’ve made that all up
I think it was at OG Meanwhile, could be wrong though.
That was from his 86400 article.
Meanwhile 1 (Westbourne Park), exactly where the bowls are curently.
Rough as guts at this point, too…probably 6 months before it was demolished to be rebuilt.
Went on holiday to a small Portuguese town called Monte Gordo. Pretty heavy spot drought but came across this mini plaza with dad-friendly bank/kicker. Took a pic specifically for this thread.
Saw you spitting rhymes on Instagram earlier @anonymity
I think that article may be in my top ten sidewalk articles of all time
Yeah it was great.
Wasn’t it Brian Sumner’s that made people stop wanting to do them after his? As he went on a one man rail wrecking session for the day?
Or am I remember that wrong? Anon will know.
Yeah, you remembered correctly. Brian basically used his as a sponsor-me part ha ha.
Everybody afterwards was much less keen.