
Like you didn’t take photos,
let’s see that dog!

Where did you get the cheese? How did you make the fondue?
Tell me everything about it. I’m well hyped on this. I love fondue so much.

My wife made the craziest fondue during the first lockdown. She got a massive loaf of bread and scooped out the insides, then lined the inside with Branston pickle. Couple of different types of cheese inside then put the lid back on. I was almost sick I ate so much, 10/10 would do again

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Never had proper fondue. I really want to but I can imagine there will be serious repercussions if you catch my drift.

As a vegan, I fondon’t.


You can get vegan fondue here. I doubt it’s really good though, all the fake dairy I got from vegans tased like… well, it had no taste.

Had truffle cheese fondue a few days ago, as my girlfriend loves truffle. It was pretty decent, although truffle isn’t really my cuppa.

Blue cheese fondue is the bomb. Just add creamy blue cheese in your fondue when it’s ready and you’ll be in for a treat.

You can add mustard seeds to your fondue too, it’s pretty rad. This or the good old chili and shallot combo.


I love cheese in all its forms but blue cheese is a specific use case for me. I don’t like it in sauces generally because it’s overpowering and about as subtle as a brick to the head. One thing I’m very jealous of is your Swiss raclette cheese grills, so yummy

Same. Some is good and only with crackers and a good red wine/port.

Cropwell Bishop Stilton is good.

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Hot wings with a blue cheese dip is good.


Yeah that’s not real cheese though really but it can work yeah.

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They’re awesome, yeah.

Blue cheese sauce can be really good on a nice red meat like a rib steak.
Red cabbage and gorgonzola risotto is awesome, and you can make a nice salad with leftovers if there are any.
I love creamy blue cheese melted in a burger with a thin slice of apple too.
Or gorgonzola with balsamic glaze on crispy bread. Yum.

Is that not a raclette grill?? Gorgonzola risotto is specifically what I think of when I think of blue cheese in food. I’d prefer a normal risotto or truffle risotto or something

Like @hugo, to me blue cheese is for crackers and then preferably something stilton-y

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That is the ultimate raclette grill. The best in the world if you ask me.

I love blue cheese. Whenever I go to a place I’ve never been to, I always try the local stuff.

Cheese , love it, in all forms but creamy blue is the vice.
St Agur on oatcakes most evenings .

My Mac n Cheese has 3 cheeses in , vintage cheddar, Parmigiano-Reggiano and a whole pack of Roquefort which makes it Devine . My housemate doesn’t like blue cheese but loved it in this .

You’ve let your culinary skills down for the first time, haha.


What the fuck? Roquefort in macaroni??

As they say, Don’t knock it till you try it

I love cheese but I can’t come round to stilton, blue cheese or goats cheese, I want to appreciate it but if it’s not the taste of mould it’s the chlorophyll smell that that tricks me into thinking I’m eating sheep shit, I balk every time.

Here you go, I couldn’t believe how small they are.

Unfortunately this time it was just off the shelf fondue from Lidl, it was in their once it’s gone it’s gone section.
Definitely need to up my game and make my own from scratch after reading the other replies in this thread. Adding blue cheese sound amazing!