
What the hell has gone on here in these last few posts.


I seem to remember seeing someone on telly praising the use of different vinegars in different foods and how they enhanced the flavours.

Canā€™t remember much more than that sadly so it looks like I wasted both your times and mine here.

Iā€™m sure I have seen people suggest putting a little bit of balsamic vinegar on strawberries. Iā€™m not brave enough to try it personally.

Iā€™m guessing youā€™ve not tried the strawberry dessert thatā€™s basically pureed strawberries and olive oil?

I saw someone talking about that yesterday but I canā€™t remember who it was now. It was some mad 100 year old vinegar that was basically like a syrup at that point

Weā€™re talking regular vinegar like you get in thechippyā€¦ Starters, mains, desserts swimming in it.

She sounds a bit likeā€¦


Just received an email saying my job is safe from redundancy. More relieved than stoked tbh.


First climbing session in about two months (isolation plus lockdown) last night. Went on my own 'cos all my climbing mates are losers with lives.

Had a mint time, climbed better than expected, got chronic arm pump 'cos I forgot to have a break between routes.

Now signed up to a monthly deal so Iā€™ve no excuse not to go a couple of times a week.


where do you climb?

Climbing twice a week must get you pretty ripped

Good climbing physique is like minimal muscle mass to accomplish what you need. The best climbers I see are tiny women with perfect form. You get men with hulking great muscles who try to pull themselves up routes and are rubbish

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Yeah I know, ripped as in minimal fat, but defined muscle, like Bruce Lee, as opposed to big fuck off Arnie arms. I bet itā€™s similar to calisthenics type builds.

Having said that I knew a few climbers from my old job and they were sinewy as fuck, like their whole body was 100% ligament. Ha

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Yep, what @nazoreth said. Decent climbers are always what youā€™d describe as wiry.

I was climbing weekly pre lockdown 2.0, decided I need to up it for a bit of fitness, and because I seem to injure myself every time I get into running.

I climb at Mad Volume in Hull. Itā€™s a little bouldering gym, real nice chilled vibe.

edit missed @Snurpā€™s reply. Also I am neither wiry nor any good at climbing.


Yeah most climbers are pretty wiry, except for usually having pretty massive shoulder muscles.

Ahh bouldering is a good laugh. I miss climbing, really need to get out and get back to it

You definitely should. Realised how much I missed it when I got back.

Climbing has fully consumed me for the last ten years and put skating on the back burner (although Iā€™m skating a fair bit more again now).
It definitely gives you similar rewards of skating:
Satisfaction of learning something new.
Seeing improvements over time.
Trying things that are potentially scary/could hurt and getting away with it lol.
Social side is fucking rad too.

Iā€™m 40 now and itā€™s much friendlier on the body too compared to skating. Iā€™ll never stop skating, but itā€™s hard to imagine Iā€™ll ever improve anymore (itā€™s hard enough trying not to lose tricks lol). With climbing Iā€™ve still got a few years of improvement left. :slightly_smiling_face:


The only time in my life that I started skating less was because of climbing. Everything you have said is right on point. Im fairly sure that if I couldnā€™t skate anymore due to injuries Iā€™d still be able to climb, thatā€™s my fall back plan :blush:

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See I had a loooong break from skating pretty much stopped early 20s, picked up a board again mid - late 30s) so I basically have no tricks, and trying to get them back is like learning from scratch only it hurts more. So mostly now I just cruise around on nice days, which is pretty sweet to be honest. Donā€™t get the buzz of landing stuff, but also donā€™t get the stress of trying for hours and failing, or the pain.

In that meantime I rode MTB a lot and climbed a fair bit too. So Iā€™m still at a decent enough level at both of those (also learning a bit of BMX, which transfers weā€™ll from MTB - nothing fancy, just little jumps and hops off stuff).

So thereā€™s my life story on a Thursday morning :wink: