
I hope it’ll go well.
I start a new job on Monday and am so glad I left the old one every single day.

2019 was very special for me. So much happened. Stoked.


Me haha. Currently paying off my credit card using our extra money from universal credit since our 2nd child in addition to what I was already paying.

Down to £2999 down from around 8. Credit rating is higher then average for area and nationally. Not by much but its creeping up.

Can’t wait to actually start saving for our deposit at the moment it’s just numbers on a screen and I don’t see any of the money

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Yeah, I think there’s a misconception that you need a massive deposit though.

Help to buy is not for first time buyers it’s for ‘new builds’. You just can’t own another property.

This means you ‘only’ need 5% and can borrow 20% unless in London which is 40%.

Saving for a £12.5k deposit is achievable even on lower income. I’m not saying it’s easy but it’s doable.

Are you joking? low income people can save 12.5k deposits?
I’d say there are is a huge percentage of people that live week to week on their wage with zero left over. Granted, you could argue that there are many people within that that could help themselves by cutting out vices but still, having 1k is an impossible feat for many.

I said achievable, lower income, not easy.

A young couple with a combined income of say £40k could save £12k in a couple of years.

20k is a high income for some.

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The average uk income is 28k.

I don’t think you’re really getting my point.

Not every poor fucker can buy a house. Just saying there are some very helpful schemes out there.

There are some schemes yeah, that cool, but 28k is an average, that means that there will be a shit load of people at either end of the scale the other side of that figure to make it an average.

I went out with a bird who was on 100k and had zero savings. Nothing. Not a sausage. She bought all kinds of crap, was so annoying

Looked at help to buy, but it’s the idea of having to pay off the 20% loan before they start charging interest. And new builds tend to be on the out skirts of our city which isn’t ideal for us. We currently live 30mins walk from the city centre, as the Mrs doesn’t drive it makes things handy.

My basic is 25k but last year was 27k because I get night shift payment which tops it up. On top of that we get child benefit and UC which varied depending on what extras I take home each month.

I’ve opened the help to buy isa and will use that when we start saving. Luckily with very far north where its cheap.

The house we rent currently is just a 2 bed but the rent is only 465 a month which helps with our UC calculation hence why we get as much as we do from them. Once we buy this will drop massively due to owning a house, but on the flip side hopefully by then I’ll have gained a promotion and it’ll balance out. A house the same as ours without a conservatory was up for 80k so using 5% deposit would only be 4k. We are looking at an upgrade from what we’ve got and using online calculators etc we need around 6k deposit to use the maximum amount the bank will loan me.

I’m the only one earning an income as my Mrs is a stay at home parent. We try and budget where possible we don’t live lavishly, but are not on the bread line, it just takes us longer to get the things we do want. Just glad we live in the North otherwise it would be a completely different story. We did live in Windsor for a year, but I was in the army. So our rent was massively subsidised in comparison to private rental and the area we were in.

North v South cost of living is a fucker.
I asked if I could be home based and move back to the Midlands where it’s cheaper.
Southern wage up there would go much further.
They agreed but all my work of late has been either direction along the M4 with the odd trip up the M40 so I kind of see such a move as making myself expendable, so I haven’t gone through with it.

@h_palmer627 it sounds like you’ve got it all worked out and are on the path to owning a home.

Luckily my wife is earning as much as me and sold a house she had in the country she’s from, otherwise we’d be fucked trying to save whilst paying £2k a month in rent.

Thought it would be a nightmare finding a new build somewhere good as you said most are out the way. Luckily London has good transport.

This is the development. Lion Wharf.

Good looking parkland course there.

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Been working non stop all hours on a project at work and then got asked to go to LA to help finish it next week, managed to get out of that trip so now I’m going to sink this beer and take my daughter swimming in the morning. Crazy how I haven’t seen her most of the month and how much she has changed!


Well Baker 4 looked like it properly popped off last night!

Absolutely crazy, Spanky switch flip into the Gonz Car Wash bank was insane.


We need to talk @hugo

DM me x


edit - feel like i’ve “wooshed” myself there

Will do man just opened one of the Nat West Help to Buy ISAs etc. Will drop a DM later today.