Really loving how the forum works, makes a few old forums I go on feel like vx1000’s
So true, big up Spanky
Not only is the functionality of this new forum amazing, I can also get on it at work, for some real night shift procrastination.
Hello everybody, stoked to be here! Thanks Spanky!
Yes @franc glad to have you back!
I’ve been flat out restoring a canal boat since december and haven’t skated since before christmas, I’m in the last couple of days of it and today my brain went into skate mode again a bit, I was spot hunting from the car on my way to buy engine oil, there is a fun looking fullpipe/wallride/tunnel in chippenham that I think I saw wheel marks on if anyoine passes through that way.
Good to have you back on here boss.
Are you living on your boat?
No reason, I’m just STOKED!
yea on it full time, my girlfriend has started a job in Oxford so we will be sailing down that way hopefully early next week
Some Skate Hipsters came to the local last night, and even though they couldn’t really skate that well, gave everyone shit on the sly for not having the standard roadman or hesh uniform. Had great fun snaking them with kickflip and heel flip rocks, even boosted a roast beef flyout. They didn’t see I was trolling them so they proberbly fucked off home laughing at me. Rest of the park had a better skate though ha
Stoked it’s friday, time to change my pivot cups and do some Sal Flips
Bought a place in Tallinn with wife last June and tonight is first night spent in the apartment! Took months to renovate the place and been sleeping literally on the floor of my mother in law’s since October last year. So fucking stoked to be in a proper bed.
I feel you, I had 2 months sleeping on the floor of my boat over December/January before I got mine built in, never appreciated a bed I didnt have to pack up every morning before then.
I know the one, used to pass it driving into Chippenham from Bath when I lived in Bath. Years ago I saw footage somewhere of the Trowbridge crew skating it.
Well hello again you 'orrible lot😊
welcome back!
I went to the local park on wednesday for a bit of a zip around in the nice weather and there was a boy there who must have been 13 or so mongo pushing his little heart out around the park. He did a standing still kickflip in the middle of the driveway and really subtly chenched his fist and whispered YESSSSSSSS when he landed it. When he left the park he walked the opposite way to the exit up the big hill and bombed it down, picked up his board and mall grabbed it into the forest to take the short cut. He got me so hyped Ive skated 5 days in a row since then and today got my first hipper in years, it feels wonderful.
Rad day out with Corpse, Zeta and the lil’ humans yesterday, was sick.
Skated outside for the first time in a long time yesterday. Got a purple palm and hipper now.
I’m aching so much, leg is fucked, I have just made an appointment with some special peeps for assessment haha