
Bought the first skate mag I ever owned as the original had been cut up to cover my school books years ago.

Transworld April 2001. Which is weird as I didn’t get my first board until Christmas of that year so I’m a bit surprised I got a skate mag so early on.

Its so weird to look at something you haven’t read in 18 years and immediately remember every single page


Who’s on the cover? My guess would be Rowley or Arto doing something gigantic.

Arto doing a front board at El Toro, I believe.

Yeah Arto front board.

It’s the ‘skaters and god issue.’ Also got a Koston pro spotlight, and a P-rod Check Out.

And everyone is doing flip front nose slides, which are a trick you don’t see anymore.

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Don’t worry, I’ll post a photo.


Good one though, Reynolds and Ellington among others made it look dope.

What is it about?

Why 2008? Misses one of the last big team videos in Mindfield.

I think Mindfield was boring. The last big video was Almost Round 3 and that was in 2004.

Guess we should write our own books.



I know everyone is entitled to an opinion but sometimes I think that entitlement should be revoked :joy:


TIL there are no round numbers between 25 and 52.

just as I was getting ready for work I got a call to say it’s shut for the day


Probably for the best mate! Stay safe

Do we need a "great trampoline migration 2022“ thread?

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I feel for the families losing theres, but some lucky people will get one delived for free. Hopefully not through their windows.


Seems like Tesco near me got lucky.
I didn’t, despite having my eye on a couple of neighbours ones…


£28. Sticking it in my camera bag as I’m just about to leave for a trip…

Can use Find My… to locate it fast, in the case of it being snatched.

Hopefully won’t ever need to use it; but the peace of mind is good.


Are people using these to catch their cheating spouses?

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This cheered me up.


Bought a new car this morning. Paperwork has been taken care of, now I just have to go back to the garage and she’ll be mine. Can’t wait to tart it up with my hens’ feathers and shit (well, not literally). It has heated seats and all kinds of fancy features. Yeahyeahyeah.


Flipping love heated seats after a skate / ride / run / climb / sit down / whatever.

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