
any excuse to repost this


Whaaaaat in that venue thatā€™s gonna be so sick. Jealous

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Landed in BCN, first time since I moved back to the U.K. in 2017 feels weird haha


Enjoy it man , thereā€™s so much new stuff to skate too . Enjoy estrella in the sun

canā€™t remember which one of you fuckers got tickets to the secret greenday gig in camden tonight (fuck you very much)

general sale just gone up for the rest of their european tour. snagged great tickets for wembley with the eldest son

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I can imagine thatā€™ll be a good one.

I saw them on the (horribly named) Hella Mega Tour with Weezer & Fallout Boy. Iā€™d gone off them a bit over the years and was there for Weezer mostly but this brought them right back onto my iPod.

Enjoy tonight mystery fucker.

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man i had tickets for the hella mega tour but the london one was cancelled due to something, covid maybe? canā€™t remember

in some ways its good because my eldest will really love it. itā€™s rock music but a bit soft for me if iā€™m honest :smiley: either way theyā€™re great live. last time seeing them they played hey jude in front of like 60,000 people and it was fucking amazing screaming na na na na naaaaa etc


Yer with the Mrs not skating. I want to live here again. Procured some fine hash this morning so Iā€™m all set.


Ah nice , you sign up to a weed club?
Can recommend this one as theyā€™re pretty chill about signing up non residents

I still have my card from when I lived here. Haha

Booom! Enjoy


Had a new fridge freezer delivered today and Iā€™m genuinely excited about it. Iā€™ve never felt so dull and boring in my life #middleagefed


Cā€™mon you know you want to share the literage. Does it have a water & Ice dispenser? What brand are we talking? Matte metalic finish? American style? Smart features?


Since you askedā€¦I popped to Tesco and it pinged my phone to let me know it will drop the temperature temporarily to keep my shopping fresh :exploding_head:.

Never been into the over connectivity of household devices but Iā€™m nerding out on this one.


Much love to all the posters.
No deeper reason, just a communal pat on the back


Yep, this place keeps me sane as a release on more days than I probably realise.

Then thereā€™s me with a bush fridge freezer I got 10 years ago when we got married. The stickers on it far outweighs the value of the fridge

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No shame in it, we replaced our 9yr old bargain basement one from our 1st flat.

Looks like it was you who had the last laugh in this situation haha.

We didnā€™t try to get tickets for the tour becuase Iā€™d got the tickets for last night. And now all the standing tickets are either gone or ridiculously priced due to surge pricing, and I never got to see them anyway.

The rumour is that most of the band got food poisoning - itā€™s just annoying they left it until the last minute (literally we were going into the venue) to cancel it