
Brilliant to have an irl meeting - on a school night too! I’m usually in bed by now. Bad teacher


Rocked up to a karate practise tonight not expecting much, we had a big get together at the weekend and still severely sore from that, muscles burning.
Didn’t know the instructor had planned a mock blue-to-brown belt assessment for me. The real one is end of January and was definitely playing on my mind.

Fuck, it hurt. Still hurts. Will be worse tomorrow. But I made it through. Took a fair few licks - ‘a little scratch, a little paint missing’ to downplay and quote Masta Ace - but I made it…

Whether I can make it down the stairs tomorrow is a separate issue.


What type do you do?

The school is independent and draws from a few different places, but the majority is based on Shotokai.

This is so British to me.

When people down here hear that I spent a fair amount of time in England they often ask about how I coped with the weather. I usually tell them how it’s not that bad, how it just changes all the time, and how wherever you are, there’s always a guy in a jacket and a guy in a t-shirt in front of the pub.
Not sure why but I’m sure it’s something most of you guys never thought about but I see it everywhere, all the time when I’m in the UK.



I’m the one in the hoody and jacket and other numerous layers. As in, that’s my default and sat right now while my business partner is just in a polo shirt all year round.

i’m a cold weather person. shorts and shirt all year if possible. i absolutely cannot handle temperatures above 25 degrees and have accepted i will just die in the next heat wave


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To be fair - the guy in the t-shirt is Scottish so it makes perfect sense :slight_smile:


I’d be happier with it being hot and sunny everyday. Cut off is mid 30s + though - ‘What are you? A fucking lizard?, Bill Hicks.

I’m with you on the shorts all year round though. Currently wearing shorts and t shirt teamed up with a Rab Expedition down jacket and beanie and no shoes or socks. Mind you I do live on the beach. I’m not wandering through a town centre barefoot. I’m a beach bum, not a ‘bum’ bum.


Hahaha, yes, I did think about that! :upside_down_face:


when i go to do the school run and there’s parents in a full on coat/hat etc. and it’s 10 degrees i have to wonder what their heating bill is like


Yeah, I know what you mean. What are they going to do when it actually does get cold? People seem to have no resilience these days. They can’t see the value of experiencing discomfort in any form.

When I run barefoot across a stony car park or whatever I’ll quite often have people comment that they don’t know how I do that. My response now is, I don’t know how you can’t. Same goes for sea swimming all year round - ‘oh, I’d love to do that but it’s too cold for me’. It’s not as if it gets any warmer for me when I do it :man_shrugging:.

If you don’t experience lows you can’t expect to appreciate the highs if or when they come. I guess that’s probably why a lot of people are lazy and fat. It’s just easier for them. That’s what they like. ‘I don’t like exercise or healthy food I prefer sitting on my arse stuffing deliveroo’d burgers.’ Well, you knock yourself out, you reap what you sow. Thing is that they’re more than likely miserable and feel like shit but don’t know it as they have nothing to compare it to. Living like a lot of people do nowadays really doesn’t make for very robust humans in any sense.

Edit: just read that back - a bit of a ramble with some half formed ideas, and it’s meant to be the stoked thread, haha.

as harsh as some of that may sound i fully agree with it :smiley:


You guys still wear clothes? Bunch of wimps. I’m off to live on a nudist colony.



I hope that’s one in Greenland or somewhere similar not one of those cop out ones in the Mediterranean.

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Man, I envy you guys. I feel the cold so readily. I think I have bad blood circulation in my extremities but I have no real idea as to why. Teeth chattering, feet going numb etc.


I don’t think I’m a massive baby, I do enjoy exercise, but I generally try and maintain a comfortable temperature mostly through the use of clothes but also by not going in the fucking sea, especially in winter.


The thought of getting a job again fills me with immense fear because I know I’ll eventually have to join an office full of people who want the heating on all year round. I’ve got the balcony doors open at the moment becuase it’s a bit warm in the flat.


Sunny weather here today (quite rare lately), fun skate at my favourite local park with two lovely geezers, was good for the soul.