You’re ginger as fuck, the last place you need to go is a nudist colony you’d get sunburnt at night
In winter
That’s impressive, good stuff. I’ve got kickboxing grading in a couple of weeks, should be interesting.
Saw DJ Yoda do a 50 years of hip hop set. He missed out Ghostface and KRS One but the rest was good
Already having the best weekend. Wifes’s up Birmingham with her mates so I’ve got my jobs done early doors, walked the dog up to the local and am watching the City v Liverpool game. Planning to head back post match and start the Ronnie O’Sullivan doc. Totally care free day, fantastic!
First gig as a band just me and the missus went incredibly! Had no idea how it would be received as it’s a quirky piece. This was a practice for a bigger gig in a couple of weeks. Blown away from the comments afterwards. Room full of socialising electronic nerds all quiet as a mouse. Was really surreal.
I fucking love carefree days with no strict rules and A little list of nice things to do.
Yesterday all i had in my head was:
Go climbing
Get Pringles
Play on the piano
Ended up doing all of them except the takeaway, because i got invited out for a curry last minute.
This was also on my list yesterday, followed by “eat pringles”. It was a great day.
Basically finished a big, boi edit last night for a mate’s ting.
The not stoked factor was no post-edit pint, but I settled with a cup of tea.
Played skateboards twice this weekend. Haven’t been able to do that for years!
Drew a graphic for a local association, my first board graphic ever. My mate just got the heat transfers and made a prototype and it looks exactly how I wanted it. I also got to choose the bottom and top ply veneers for the popsicles that are gonna be sold, and I’ll get to pick some weird shapes for myself. Some tees are being made too. Quite the childhood dream come true!
Oh yeah, I tattooed a girl’s arse this morning too, good way to start the week.
Can I have a tattoo next time you come over to the UK? (Not the arse)
That would be fun! I’ve only tattooed people at my mate’s studio so far and am extremely far from being one of those professional artists that travel the world and are guesting in cool places and shit but I’ll let you know if this seems possible. Thanks!
I’ll join the line, need a chicken.
Yep! Same with Note and Lost Art. Need to get it bought!
Well up for it if we can make it happen!
Just looked at the tattoo Frank
Did it say ‘slap my buttocks’?
Haha, I had to delete it because the boyfriend of the girl I tattooed went mad. It was a wordplay that would be hard to translate but it kinda meant that and something else.