
That’s the thing, John Hill isn’t. He’s good but he’s only hometown hero level. The bar should be so much higher. John Hill’s vids come across so bitter at the industry, masked in modesty. He didn’t make it, fine, do your YT but don’t try and turn every kid off the skate industry that holds a way more realistic idea of the level of sponsorship. The Industry is far from perfect and plenty of cunts within but at least it still maintains a quality.

Mate, I would suck Farage’s dick on live telly for $100k a year if the alternative was paying for boards and having “credibility.”

Well that just shows your level of integrity.

I don’t have any. Well, not when the kind of money I could buy a house in a couple of years is involved.

Sell out, retire early!

That’s fine, but personally I think that’s what’s wrong with the world right now. Everyone is so cheap.

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Oh I agree to a certain level (in my job I often turn down freebies for brands I don’t feel comfortable “representing”) but life changing level money?

No question.

I think he was on Birdhouse but got kicked off as he was skating with other people rather than the team. I don’t think he was kicked off due to ability. He does seem kind of narcy towards people at times though and his videos can be irritating.

If I had the ability to be sponsored though Revive wouldn’t appeal, I mean how cool would it be to be sponsored by GX1000 or Chocolate.

Sorry, I don’t mean to neg on the kid in the UK that got sponsored by Revive, no doubt he’s stoked and fair play as I don’t have that ability.

He’s grown up on this shit and, as one of millions of slightly kooky kids, a kooky brand really appeals to him. He started off in freestyle, he was never getting on Anti Hero!

If people stopped taking the money though then these questionable entities would not have credibility, whatever they may be. We should not let things with no integrity gain traction, we’re cheapening culture, across the board, legitimising unworthy ideas.

Fair enough, let people be that kind of person but if they were treated the way they should, i.e. not built up, smoke blown up their arse then it will drive the right kind of progression and we’ll get higher quality effects from people.

That’s fair, he’s got his niche, and he’s probably really impressive with it at a level that would appeal to an online audience. That’s cool, and i’m not knocking alternative styles of impressive skateboarding that the normal industry does not cover, that’s a good thing, all power to those types. If you’re good enough to impress then you can do it yourself, if you want that type of kudos. If you want to be part of something sub par and cheesy then that’s another choice.

So he was put on more because he’ll add something to their already big online presence, than skill alone? I’m guessIng full team to be this stoked and not just flow? Are his vlogs (horrible word) gimmicky or just out and out skating? Let’s see one… he wants to be in the limelight, so there shouldn’t be a problem sharing them.

Is kids TV questionable when judged on it’s own merit or only so if you pit it against, say, a HBO drama?

That’s the difference here. Revive is marketed at children and the whole industry was far too cool for school, leaving this entire market unrepresented. I personally think it’s cringeworthy in the extreme to watch (and I’ve turned down free proddy as “thanks” for filming him) but then again I’m not sitting down to watch ‘In the night garden’ with my tea.

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He’s chatted with Andy for years and Revive have just started up UK distro, so needed representation.

His vlogs are very much in the Revive tradition (bit cringe) but he’s very good in a tech/clickbait type trick kinda way.

Kids TV isn’t trying to be something it’s not, it’s not lying about content to get views and these views do not profit in the same way the YT machine works.
I’m not saying that Schrock or any of them shouldn’t be doing what they are doing, they caught something at an early stage and are now profiting from it. It’s how they maintain and build their empire that I have problems with.

I don’t get this “lying about content” suggestion.

They’re a cheesy brand no doubt but their product is good quality and they’ve found an underepresented market.

Under represented market? What’s wrong with existing legit skate brands?

Olly Roberts?

Nice guy, total stinker.

Fits revive to a tee.

It’s kids skating aimed at kids.

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They’re lying in the sense that they use clickbait for clicks. Their content is dreadful (my opinion) as it is but it’s the way it’s sold, the drama, the fakeness.
It’s just poor quality.
If they were more modest about it’s promotion then i’d have no problem with the content, it’s silly mess about shit for kids. Fact is, the likes, subs etc are the most important thing to them, they tasted the honey and now want more.

Nowt to me but if they were clicking with the pre teen market Revive wouldn’t be one of the biggest brands in the world.

Sponsorship, professionalism should be at the highest quality to maintain it’s level of progression. Diluting it makes it obtainable by the masses.
It’s the same as fame, when everyone is famous, no one will be famous.
I feel fame is probably a key factor with skating being how it is now too, everyone wants their shine, even if they don’t deserve it. They’ll find themselves a little unconventional nook and get it that way. And again, that’s fine, get your ego boost on your own.