Supreme, 'Play Dead'

So if we throw a classic BCN bin in there. Where does that sit in relation to NYC bin and Philly bin?

For reference:

Skateboarding Needs a bin tier list.


Whenever I see anything Supreme posted here I put it on, all hopeful, but it doesn’t hold me for long. Am probably not target audience.

Funnily enough, this is as far as I got on this one but am liking it so far. I really liked the first trick - some sort of nose bonk / power slide - too.

I had to give up the telly after the first song but am actually keen to go back to it later.

Saw this on Insta and thought of here.

This comment made me lol…

This man needs to start filming for Cariuma so he stops ruining the footage of people we care about.


You lot really, really love to wind yourselves up, eh?

You are clicking on a Supreme video and getting annoyed at close up filming? Come on now…

We all watch Tys shit and know exactly what to expect. How is this different? It’s literally Strobecks signature style. Or course it’ll have zoom rocker usage.


Nobody allowed to complain about the filming? Why? Ty’s filming sucks too.


Everyone can complain about it. I’m not policing here.
Everyone complains about Ty, too. Cool.

I complain about shit, of course. I am now.

My point is; people are clicking a Supreme video and sitting there for an hour watching something filmed by Bill Strobeck and are annoyed that it is filmed in the way Bill Strobeck films.

It’s akin to watching a horror film and then complaining it was scary.

I dunno…lotta good skating in that video. Opening a thread which just seems to be stuck on a subject which has been done to death everytime Strobeck releases something is just becoming a bit of a yawn-fest.


Exactly. We all know what we’re going to get. If you don’t like it, don’t keep coming back and doing it to yourselves.


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I guess the main thing people are upset about is the good tricks that would have been made ‘better’ if filmed ‘normally’.

I’m on the other side. I think his filming and editing style brings out the best in some of these skaters who are just as raw as they come. If they’re filmed traditionally it would just be another GX1000 video but in New York.

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My gripe is how many of Tyshawns tricks were fucking butchered.

Agree, makes it different to a GX video.

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i just mentioned this to a mate…

But did you lot ever seen Asian Goddess? The Hook Ups video.

I love that video…Penny, Rune, Rowley, Tony Hawk, Heath, Greco, Klein & Willy Santos.
Its filmed SO fucking badly for the most part.
I was a teenager and I didn’t give a shit about that tho. It had really, really sick skating.

There are Willy Santos lines where Jeremy Kelin is filming by literally running behind Willy. But Willy is killing it.

I guess people have said about our (main) age group on here not being the target audience and I guess to some extent that is true; because I don’t think 16 year olds give a fuck. They just want to see Tyshawn rip.

But even then…we are the target in the sense that everyone on here fucking loves skateboarding, clearly. But it’s all gotten a bit Middle Aged Shred of late in the sense that if anything isn’t to the exacting standards of how things were back in the day, then it sucks.

I’m glad people are still making content that pisses people off. I just am kinda surprised on how much people here who know their shit wind themselves up about it. That’s all, really.


I don’t think this has pissed anyone off. I see it as upholding quality control in someone’s work. It could have been filmed better that’s all.


Pissed off/gripe/complaint/whatever…I just mean continual negative commentary.

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I don’t think you’ve read the thread. Not everyone was being negative.


Doesn’t make sense. If you like something say you like it. If you don’t like it, say you don’t like it. Don’t see a problem myself.

I love Beagle and Shingu Ogura and VX footage, I don’t like Ty and Fat Bill’s footage. It is what it is, don’t worry about it.

You were vocal about your dislike of Ty’s footage so why is that ok and this isn’t? I need to see the rule book.


Just went back for the second viewing of Ben Kadow’s part, who I enjoyed the most the first time around, and clocked this which I thought was great. When he waves a bunch of people out of the way, he pats some dude on the shoulder as he skates past in a “Cheers pal” kind of way, haha.


I’m really not a Kadow fan but I spotted that and he went up in my estimation…

Contrast to twatting your board at someone – Tyshawn.

Photos with the feds – Nigel.


Feel like you are purposefully picking holes here. I don’t have a rule book and you know it.

I’ve not said I don’t complain. I am sure you can search and find lots of Ty quotes - or even Supreme ones - where I am not into it.

I agree that if you like something, you should say you like it. I agree that if you don’t like it you can also choose to say something.

But saying the same thing over and over and over…thats when this turns from a group of evolving skateboarders into what I saw when I dipped into MAS. That group in parts felt like a bunch of people who generally disliked anything they didn’t understand.

I’m definitely not worried about either the state of any of these videos or peoples singular views.
I just personally feel like there was a lot of positive convo over content for 20 years with this community…and now, we’ve got a video filled with good shit which was always going to be shot in a polarising way…and we are having the same convo we had when their last video dropped almost verbatim. Which was the same as the convo on the video before that. Ad infinitum.

I’m not going to dictate what people can and can’t say but I think this forum was at its best and most fun when things were a little less dreary.

As you were. Ignore me if you like. None of this matters.