The Bunt

As he said, Toy and Emerica stood by him for ten years whilst he was hurt and kept his salary going.

Incredible skateboarder but a guy who is constantly injured can’t expect to get paid forever.


Always enjoyed Leabres. There’s an alternate timeline where if he hadn’t been injured so much he would’ve been up there as an A tier pro on Emerica and Toy.

His recent footage is great


soul crusher - video of the year for me

Best pod in ages! Refreshing to have a guest who is free, willing and able to share stories.

Greco story from the Dickies HQ was hilarious. “Go fix yourself a taco. We’re done.”

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The Bunt’s Rapid Fire gets the 4Ply treatment.


This is pretty funny, Mike Mo is great

He is kinda funny but annoying and stupid also. Never 100% whether I like him or whether he’s too much. Good episiode though, got it on the Slayer question.

Got it after the third clue.

How they didn’t get it was Gonz after the 4 board companies clue and blind/krooked graphics… :exploding_head:

Omg how could they have not got it

Last clue was just piss take easy

Was trying to shoehorn markovich/Vallely in to some earlier answers

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I heard from a very reliable source that Dave Currie of M-Zone doodled it when he was working at GT and then Mark saw it, liked it, and used it.


When he said 4 companies I stopped thinking of Markovich.

The shoe thing really throws you but after a few key clues it’s an easy but a goodie.

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Shoe thing helped! Can’t believe they didn’t get it after the music clue

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The team mates things absolutely threw me. I found it so hard this week.

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Yeah that was a huge clue but should get it before or at least have an idea.

Enjoyable pod.

I absolutely love these

I got it on the nollie smith grind clue.

One of the few I’ve guessed right.


This one was hard!

Actually an easy for me this one