The Bunt

Not to get all name-dropping (Can you, with a ‘fairly irrelevant pro’ as mentioned?) but I’ve spent a decent bit of time with him here and there over the past 20 years and honestly; his interviews and outlook are always going to be good to listen to.
He’s all good vibes and funny as fuck to be around. All the young guns love him because that skate rat shines through…That’s just it - He’s still a skate rat and proof that skateboarding isn’t about just being the best.

I’m glad he is around.




Can never unsee that clip. So savage. It was the creature obstacle as well right?

Wig split :face_vomiting:

Already had him on and it was way better than I expected.


The latest one is with JP Souza, not someone I know too much about.

Should be a good one!


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I’m pretty sure that wasn’t Clyde but Tim O’Connor at Tampa with the…


…style routine when some Japanese skater was taking his run.

Tbf they both made a couple of questionable jokes/comments at the expense of some of the riders.

Nothing worth cancelling anyone over but there was at least one thing from Clyde that raised an eyebrow in the moment

Side note, but skate events could maybe do with a wider pool of commentators to reduce the risk of Tim saying something weird

God no… I still want a bit of bantz (for a lack of a better word) in my commentators.

Those two aren’t as quick witted as others.

Imagine being the third and fourth most quick-witted in a group of four that includes Chris Roberts and Kelly Hart. Fucking hell.


Just listened to it, a bit too much rambling at times but overall a pretty amusing listen. I do miss his old Transworld column.

I don’t recall Clyde writing for TWS. It was Big Brother and then later The Skateboard Mag iirc.

His Bunt interview did have me chuckling. If you enjoyed that, and you haven’t already seen it, check his Talkin’ Schmitt interview.


I had a Google and found a few like this for example:

But I’m sure I read his column in Transworld long, long before the date on that article.


Ahh, I had no idea the TWS Clyde’s Corner existed. Tbh I’m don’t think I’ve ever read much of online Transworld. I’ll have a dig on through those :+1:

So stoked on this answer. What a legend!


Whilst I think they are correct not to comment on a specific case, I do think the emailer/listener had a valid point about lessons perhaps being missed or not looked for.

The wider context is a string of high profile deaths in skateboarding related to substance abuse. Perhaps some reflection on the lifestyles people lead and that are promoted through skate media might be a good thing. That doesn’t have to be specifically related to the CK-P Stone case though.


Love Reese Forbes but that was so dry

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I gave up after 30 mins. Really boring.