The Contest Thread

Arissa Trew continuing to innovate. Frontside gaytwist to tail revert. Not sure I’ve ever seen that before?

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Big fan of Arisa, but not sure we ever needed to see it tbh.

On a semi related note, it’s the biggest weekend in Melbourne skating in years and I am away on a family trip in the country. (bunt event and some globe comp)

It’s the kind of family (and extended circle of other families) trip that one woman has taken it on herself to create a regular pdf newsletter for.

Not stoked.

And now, amusingly, I’m stood watching her practicing them at the only local outdoor vert ramp in Melbourne.

Tampa Am qualifying results. Pretty striking! Wonder if this is a sign of things to come?

Japanese skaters have been dominating the contest scene for ages man. But yeah…

This is getting towards a lockout! Only 2 Americans in the top 30, only 3 Brazilians.

It’s just the Yuto-boomers. Give it two or three years and Japan will be out of this phase and back to breeding Gou Miyagis and Choppers.

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Some funny names in that list…

Could inspire some pun names here

Rick Rubrick

Gogo Quy-Lee

François Townes

Korean kid just (probably) beat the Japanese army and started crying

Absolute scenes


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Can’t believe I watched two hours of that

got a link?]

EDIT: oh, it’s tampa isn’t it?

watching now - incredible skating, somewhat anodyne vibe.

What a set of last runs , absolutely bonkers and the emotion for juni so rad .

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Fuck me. This taiga nagai kid is mental.


Wow! Fair play to the kid . That was so so close between them

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Coloured wheels and ego filled shoulders were a bit abundant.

Didn’t Yuto film a couple of these as Enders?

Bonkers run!


fair play, can’t remember the last time i saw someone cry after a run.

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If I did some if those tricks in my dreams I’d cry too, let alone do them back to back in a single run.

That was…what do you even say to that.

Starting with that gap to backside noseblunt alone would win Tampa Pro.