The Continually Updated Footage Thread

Fucking hell, legit bs heelflip indy and that floaty fs flip, so sick

There’s something about Aurielien Giraud that rubs me the wrong way. Appreciate he’s super talented but comes off as über cocky.

Yeah he’s got a face you want to slam into a wall


the frenchness?

The kit!

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She’s working on something with Sirus I think. Possibly her footage got pulled for that.

Nah that’s for a different project for Grey coming soon but not solely focused on Skateboarding

Oh yeah she mentions that in the Thrasher interview

She has a lot of the filler/lifestyle shots in the Nike edit which is weird.

I think the crux of it was they all thought there was gonna be more / she was gonna play a major part and for different reasons, it hasn’t worked out. Hopefully more to come from her in the future…


Why don’t they give her a proper straight up part with pure skating, I can just picture it being some 'here’s my hometown, this is where I grew up ’ over some Super 8 footage. Want to just see a proper 3 minute part of the best shit, not some bloated 7 minute short film

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Agreed, bored of these.

WARNING: Not really any new footage so nobody get too excited but interesting little clip

The footage that was in this clip was dope and I liked the whole thing but then again I’m quite the Puleo fan.
His setup looked well old.

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Haha. That had everything you’d want from a Puleo interview.

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His ‘art’ is well A-level

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Loved all those little curb transfers he did into the bank

if you watch his nine club a little bit he talks about his setup, how he was doing all the cellar door shit on 7.5/7.75s/50mms, skating trucks until they’re dust etc.

watching shit like that, old mad circle vids, sabotage etc is reallyyyyy making me want to set up like a 7.75, ventures and 50mm classics lol.