The Continually Updated Footage Thread

Style is so nice.


Just got round to this, sick. Love how he skates so many "notaspot"s. That ollie over the brick bench gap is savage too. Shame about the filming quality but maybe that adds to the dirtbag vibe.

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That was so good.

featuring lots of creativity and one of the most ballistic pool carves I’ve ever seen


Surely can’t be mor mind bending than the other dude posted the other week who defied gravity with his double carves

Edit: wow, yeah some crazy bits in there, the pipe slide :0

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I really liked the slide out tailblock to fakie kinda thing (no idea what it’s called)

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Watched a few of these off the back of this one, Pyramid Banks probably the fave.

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First skating I’ve seen with a headtorch. Also Cope is a great surname for a pool skater.

Some of those spots are amazing.

…and that fucker can carve, eh?

He’s obviously really good but there’s so much in there that I cannot stand. I feel bad for hating it, but I feel like that’s in the same territory as a William Spencer part.

I was also going to say that he doesn’t fit DC’s vibe but how long is it since DC has had its own distinct feeling behind it?

To be honest, probably never. The team has always been such a mish-mash of people. Maybe there was a bit more consistency in the '90s with Carroll and Huf, but you still had randoms like Moses Itkonen.

What’s John Gardner’s deal? He had that really good part where he was ducking under bump to bars, but he’s never skated that well since. Did he get injured? Or get too zooted and ‘mystic’?

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I’m pretty sure he’s the DC TM these days and rips for fun rather than a career


Fair enough. He is only 29 which is quite young to be TMing for one of the big(?) shoe brands.

Edit: And he’s still an am for Creature. Man-Am TM.

He talks about it in this

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He’s like the Middle brother of Tory Pudwill and Stephen Lawyer.

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His skating much more enjoyable then either of those though.

I’d rather watch Ritchie Jackson push.

EDIT: Oh ok…if he’s just doing it for fun…more power to him. Sick standard for a non-pro.

I’d really like my 4 mins back. What was with the weird backwards crouch on everything.

Of course, not hard though is it?

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