The Continually Updated Footage Thread


It went so well with the Pink Floyd shirt.

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That was really nicely made.

Can’t wait to buy the full vid. I chat to the guy that made it quite a bit on insta, he’s sound.

That Toy Machine video was pretty brilliant. I’ve never really been too bothered about their visual offerings but that was really good. Myles Willard definitely proved he deserves his pro board. Goddam that boy good.

Would recommend.

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Can someone start a distribution company and please look after Toy Machine and Foundation?
It’s a shame they barely exist outside of the US.


Yeah buying through The Kite Company is fucking gross and puts everyone off. Would they relinquish the brand though?

Thought this for a long time. How such an established “legacy” brand isn’t shining over here is unreal to me.

I think that outside Germany they just have a long list of random distributors in Europe which no skate shop needs to open an account with.

They’ve never really managed to embrace Europe like other brands, though. Still very California centric.

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They are with TKC here. Route One TKC.

Yeah, that’s ‘The Kite Company’


I know. Just confirming because LS is saying they’re with random distributors. In the UK it’s TKC that puts people off dealing with them and means they get no proper shine. Unless you’re buying Tech Decks or Aeropress there’s no need to log into TKC.

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Which is weird considering one of their main current pros is Axel.

I know.

It just feels a bit tokenistic.
Between all of the Tum Yeto brands, Axel is the only non-american pro, right?

In fact, aside from Andrew Currie (Foundation) and The Butcher, I can’t think of any non-Americans who ever rode for the brands.

Oh, Jon West. He was Canadian.


Graham Stanners was pro on Foundation.

Glam Boys on Wheels!

Actually, Zero was originally Tum Yeto and Wade Burkitt and later Matt Mumford (Who was pro) are both from Oz.

So, yeah…they’ve had non-Americans. Not many but no worse than any others at that point in time.

Glam Boys on wheels is such a good video, it’s a proper time capsule.

They just don’t seem to care about the UK but they work with UK artist Phil Morgan a lot. This interview with him just went up and he talks about his Toy Machine graphics.


Can’t remember if it was on here or an interview where someone explained the toy machine distro situation with Ed T and he didn’t seem impressed. But that was years ago and nothing has changed.

That was me, while on a Toy Machine tour a long, long time ago.
I think we spoke about it on 'Shoes way back…