The Continually Updated Footage Thread

There ya go.
Thank you for your service.

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Duffel was always bummed that there was a load of kids over here who couldn’t buy his board.

What a line :flushed:

The footage is from his part that came out a few months ago…

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Ok sick never saw that.

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Almost secretly have a really good team.

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Out of interest, who’s responsibility would it be to get Toy on a better UK distributor? Presumably Ed would want people to buy his companies products, as would the riders, but he’s more owner/artistic director at this point - I doubt he’s the guy on the phone to shops anymore.

Mike Sinclair? Or is it Tum Yeto’s fault?

But no one cares.

They will when Rodney makes his NFT billions and pumps it back in!


Mike is just a TM.

It would be a combination of Tod swank and the international sales manager. If they have a role dedicated to international. Which going by how small they are, they probably just have it as an afterthought for a domestic sales manager.

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Shortly before Sidewalk got shot, Ed T got in touch with me to ask why Toy basically sold no boards at all in the UK.

We know each other a bit [/cmoac] so conversation focused on how big Toy was back when Slam distro’d it in the Welcome to Hell era and how it flew off the shelves compared to how these days (2017) it struggled to sell at all.
I felt a bit sad for him.

This was 2017 iirc.
Wonder if it’s any different now?


They’ve been distributed by TKC for ages now. Could they be locked into a contract or is it just easier to stick with them? Not many bigger companies seem to switch distributors. I’m typing this but don’t know what I’m rambling on about.


I know him a bit, too [/cmoac]. And that sounds like exactly the same conversation we’d had in 2007 while on a drive up to Manchester.

He left a couple of days later - I think he and Deanna were going on to Germany - but he seemed adamant that the distribution needed sorting out.

Funny, because you saying that is to me, the most movement I’ve heard on it in the last 14 years since that conversation.

I feel a bit sad for the brands there. I’m a big fan.

It could be anything holding them there. I know really old brands who still work off of a handshake from 1989 which can sometimes be harsher than leaving a contract.

It equally could be lack of manpower in the US to take on switch ups in international sales as that shit is time consuming. It can sometimes cost, too…and maybe they don’t have the cash flow?

Short answer: No one knows except them.

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It’s a shame really, as they regularly have board runs with great artwork, but it never makes it over here. All you really see is the eye or monster stuff, which is fine enough as that probably sells to kids, but they’re definitely missing a trick.

That was the one were distro miscommunication meant that Burnett (at least initially) tried to cool guy you and Styley, right?

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You’re his muse.


That’s right. They’d been missold the trip by the U.K. distributor.
I think that has served me well since though, as once they realised the sales guy running the trip only know about rugby Styley and myself had to step in to save that trip, really. And that helped all involved. As such, Burnett has stayed in regular contact since and looked out for me on quite a few occasions.

As much as I hated buying it through TKC, we always bought it when I was at SS20. Always was a sick company in my eyes.

First board was a Toy Machine.

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The era we are talking about really is a bit earlier. Post-2003-ish when HSC went under.

Tum Yeto was with Slam and then HSC before it went to a kite company.
Under those first two distributors, it flourished.
And don’t forget that Good and Evil was heavily received globally - and they was about 2005, after their third team exodus, right?