Just about to post this. The skating’s sick. The filming is fantastic.
Holy shit, that was sooo good. Those guys always deliver.
Even I noticed how good the filming was! Explosive and creative, loved it
The fakie flip was just so, so good
The winter->summer match cut at the start blew my mind.
Yeah it’s mad how different the seasons can be ennit
Crook to crook over the gap in the wet was ace
The angle is messing with my head and not in a pleasant way - very weird.
That was fucking brilliant, such a big smile after that switch drop in!
Ollie under the bridge/on the roundabout was fucking sick.
That’s an insane spot, hadn’t seen it before and drove past it many times as I go up to Manc more nowadays and wondered why it hadn’t been skated… until I decided to walk down to it and check it out.
Came to post that! Some absolute bangers in there. What a madman.
Anyone know if mellow bank to barrier still exists?
I think there’s flower pot things on the barriers now - I’ll check next time passing…
Might have been better with skate sounds…? Damn.
I usually don’t care what people wear but those shirts with the bottom cut off look pretty embarrassing. Oh well, another trend I’ll never get. I’m not cool anyway.