Video introducing Blake Carpenter’s new board company, Vinyl Skateboards. Not sure what identity or vibe they’re going for really, didn’t see anything that stood out here. Art Cordova is sick but kinda bland, that other guy wears weird trousers and Blake Carpenter does Blake Carpenter things. The heelflip noseslide to fakie was rad, doesn’t work on paper but it was great.
It’s called Vinyl because vinyl records are flat like the earth, which is a thing Blake Carpenter believes
But they can also be warped, just like that logic. Lolz
wait wait wait wait Blake Carpenter is a flat earther??
I don’t know about that but he said he went to church every Sunday in his Bunt interview and that kind of canceled him for me.
Ahhh you’re a devout atheist/agnostic also then I can’t deal with organised religion or it’s people
Not sure if he’s proper flat earther, but he’s definitely an anti-vaxer. He posted some odd stuff on his stories during Covid. Which maybe makes his departure from Toy make a bit more sense
was gonna say, Toy Machine (or at least Ed Templeton) and that kind of bullshit doesn’t seem like a good mix
Dunno, he had that guy on there for years that didn’t believe that dinosaurs ever existed.
Just watched the edit. The vibe is very flat, too. 0 direction or “feel” there.
oh ffs, I really liked Blake Carpenter
I used to find flat earthers hilarious but after the last few years I’ve got absolutely zero patience for morons.
300% anticlerical atheist.
Makes a massive difference when your parts filmed and edited like this, very good will look out more in the future.
Whats the guys name Fritte??
Ender is fucked 180 switch crook fakie shuv out down a pencil rail that maybe like 3 people that post on here would boardslide.
apart from the skateboarding right?
Company is weird probably pointless maybe theres a US market …
Fritte Söderström. Although I always remember it as Fritte Sodastream.
Also referred to as the goat
isn’t a Fritte sodastream an Air Fryer?