The Continually Updated Footage Thread

Baker is putting the full video up on Thrasher this Friday. I guess companies really don’t know what business model to follow with full lengths any more at all. How to make any money from them. Hope the hype makes people buy boards, I guess?


The hype of it being somewhat hard to get hold of for the first day or so certainly helped. If it just went up in full it wouldn’t be the same. Top three video of the last few years either way.

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Does any revenue come to Thrasher from subscription and advertising that they can guarantee a cut of?
Better to get something than even less through physical sales these days I suppose.
Hit rates online is where it seems to matter these days.

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Greco gets a lifetime pass for his nollie backside flip dow the Wilshire stairs alone.

Slap just reminded me that Zach Allen is officially on baker while Frankie Heck is on their flow program at best. This section came out earlier this year and it was much better than most sections in Baker 4:


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First song is honking:

Skatepark stuff but new Stefan, Guy, Grant etc.

Watched that Sammy Montoya part but really didn’t do anything for me. Jesus, the sheer volume of good skaters these days is overwhelming. I mean obv the guy is amazing but in amongst all the other totally amazing guys he just doesn’t stand out for me.

Still love alien tho

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Whereas I liked that Sammy Montano part. Looked like classic Alien in parts, too.
Won’t ever watch it again, though.

i thought we had a berrics thread but i can’t find it

this is the kind of stupid that i can really get behind. i’d happily just listen to the audio

I really enjoyed that one as well


I love Alien and enjoyed that Sammy Montano section, music and everything, but it felt like it was a bit soulless and cut-n-paste editing in the Alien style. Didn’t do anything for me. I’m not sure about this new AWS.
Bought a board (which I swear was Jart wood) and the quality of the clothing doesn’t seem to be what it was either. Fingers crossed for it though. I don’t want it to disappear again.

I gave the Nike park edit a miss, but I might have to check it now.

just the noise of a ultra fast grind on something like that ughhhh skate porn

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Enjoyed that… and, as someone who gets lost with trick names, found the judges commentary quite reassuring.
“I don’t even know what that was”

Me either.

More please.

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I would watch the shit out of a competition or series of curb games like that. People getting buck like tre flip lip slide to sugar cane shove out or something

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‘Curb’ and ‘kerb’ are kind of like the two pronunciations of ‘herb’, the UK and the US version.

This is amazing and I don’t care if it was put out to help towards SOTY, he’s fun to watch. So many ridiculous tricks done in an accesible/relateable way.


Loved it.

Build, did you know this was coming out because of the B&S track?

I hooked that song up. :grin: