The Continually Updated Footage Thread

Crazy how they got that Kanye song, but it does play to this messiah complex Blondey has going on.

Skating’s rad.

I still don’t quite get this blodney thing on the socks, is it a mistake?

Did like the skating

Is Blondey God Squad?



Since going to a Kanye Sunday service apparently.

Sunday service, the celebrity cult. Makes sense … hype beast move

Those socks and sunglasses are some Nyjah levels of whack. Also the first long bs noseblunt #notamake.

Other than that some good tricks.

Questionable choices aplenty in that, but I liked.

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New cast for only fools and horses?

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Actually quite liked that blondey part. Did not like the numerous religious references though. Skateboarding for me is not the medium for me to be communicated to about such things.

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Kanye has to be doing all the religious stuff so he no longer has to pay tax surly? Like building a church. Churches are exempt from having to pay federal, state, property and local income taxes. I’m sure Scientology has one of the best property portfolios in the U.S?
Worship at the alter of Celebrity for the right price. The haute couture of religion. The masses will hand over their money by the fist load to feel a part of the cool circle. Kanye’s laughing all the way to the bank. Being a religious nut is the fastest way to alienate yourself in skating.

People can believe whatever they like and I have zero issue with anyone openly saying that they’re Christian (or whatever faith).
With that said - an advert for a sporting shoe seems a somewhat strange place to assert your faith to me.


Blondey confirms my belief that no one under the age of 25 should be given any sort of limelight


I’ve watched the Blondey video 4-5 times now. I really rate it, which is kind of annoying 'cos I’ve been a bit of a Blondey detractor in the past.

If you see the music as another layer of artificiality in the Blondey-myth then it makes sense. I don’t think Blondey is coming out as traditionally religious, he’s just using it for the A E S T H E T I C. Like he does in his art.

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It’s just so flimsy to me, there is no passion, it’s just use whatever you need to create some hype so you get your seratonin buzz for the day.
I enjoyed some of the skating, let’s not take that away from the guy, this is the best skating we have seen. I just can’t get behind the weak aesthetic and the whole vibe of his output even if he is a nice guy (or not). Same can be said of many aspects of today’s youth product/output, call it what you will.

I love blondey footage but thought that section was a bit dull, he skates really slow too. Obviously some dope tricks but just wasn’t the same as him in a Palace video skating to better music lookin a bit more like a hooligan

I don’t think I could pull off the clear shoes myself, but I think I like them.
Colour coordinating them with a cardie could be be handled by a quick change of sock.