The TV Thread

Probably been discussed in here, but just watched the Biggie doc on Netflix. Enjoyed it, although felt parts were rushed and lacking in detail. The Tupac beef seemed to be quite short.

Really enjoyed that too. I liked the 100k stereo system and the horrific reveal.

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Been watching “Hitler’s Circle of Evil” on Netflix. Not surprising to learn that his inner circle were a bit of a bunch of cunts but it was interesting to hear about just how cunty they all were with each other as well.

Hitler was notorious for pitting loads of people against each other in some sort of weird Political Darwinian Theory

Hitler was also a walking pharmacy which probably twisted his already sadistic and paranoid mind even further


Read The Bunker by James P O’Donnell if you can. Its an amazing insight into the last month of the Bunker group and how they tried to escape the Russians after Hitler killed himself. It was written in the 70s by a guy who was on the ground in 1945 and he interviews a load of the key characters after their release from Russia in 1955. Really really interesting and engaging book


Just finished The Night Of. Quality tv.

Will give sharp objects a go next then, I love Amy Adams in most things.

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Try watching this. I dare you.


To be fair, I did say most things

That is 100% the other stuff :+1:

Amy Adams has a pretty good hit rate. I think Arrival is maybe my favourite first contact film and Nocturnal Animals my favourite revenge film.

…and Man of Steel is probably the best of the new Superman films to, haha.

Arrival is criminally underrated. One of the best films I’ve seen it years. 10/10 would recommend to literally anyone


I’ve had it taped for absolutely ages but know nothing about it. Will watch ASAP.


Have you read the short story it was adapted from? The story of your life

Noooo whaaaaat must look

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South Park Vaccination Special is really great

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Did you watch it in the end? Honestly, if you still haven’t yet get on it. I blub at absolutely fucking anything but this one was special. Watched it for the first time on a flight and full-on ugly cried. Might’ve been something to do with the free Malbec I was drinking, though.

Nah I watched an absolutely DREADFUL episode of Jonathan Creek last night instead. Satan’s chimney. Fuck me. I wanted stupid leave your brain behind shit but all I got was shit.

Next sat.

Is this the one before covid and cartman is impossible to hold down?
If it is it’s crazy timing as it was 2019

No this is a new one, came out last week I think