The TV Thread

Yeah just finished it, wasn’t to bad at all considering it’s age. Defo some proper good laugh out louds which they do so well.

This is great too

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Watched the first couple of episodes of Pam and Tommy. Not sure how to feel about a series that tells the story of a woman exploited without her permission that doesnt get the permission of the woman it’s about but hey ho

WTF even is BoBF right now? :joy:

Ahsoka, Anakin’s Padawan hanging-out with Luke!? The training was a major throw back to Luke’s training with Yoda, Yoda lifting something heavier, the X-Wing, Luke getting more frogs, ect… seeing order 66 again. Also Luke left his training to go help his friends in Cloud City. So we can guess Grogu will too (saving the day?) and Boba Fett still didn’t really get a look in again. It’s Star Wars with added Star Wars!


Exactly what I thought. I still love it though.


Ah excellent I was hoping it would appear soon. I’ve heard this season was an improvement on last season and I’ve been listening to their podcast which has got me hyped on it again.

The blooper series is amazing as well - there’s one from the wedding episode whete everyone takes bath salts that had me crying with laughter

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The past few years a season of Sunny seems to consist of a few dud episodes, some pretty funny episodes and then one completely top tier episode.

Even average Sunny is still funnier than most other tv comedies


BoBF Spoiler chat.

Grogu has to go help his friends.
He literally cannot stay because we know Luke adn the galaxys future, right?
If Grogu stays and trains and becomes this powerful jedi then TFA, etc. end up with massive plot holes.

…and you know Star Wars loves to repeat history.

I did think the CGI was pretty solid on this one. Luke looked good.
They must have spent all their budget here and thats why Quadrophenia gang looked so bad a few eps back.
I’m glad we’ve only seen a moment of them since.


I absolutely loved this weeks episode for all of the reasons that you’ve discussed.

The only thing about Mando and Boba is that despite their flaws, they’re so well made and the storylines are very tight. It only further emphasises how much they fucked the sequel trilogy.


…and the prequel trilogy.

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Let’s be fair. At least the prequels had storyline and an arc to them. Yes they were massively all over the place, but you knew where characters stood and everything made sense from a “Star Wars rulebook” pov.

Plus they had some banging moments. The more I think about it, The Phantom Menace had some brilliant moments, as did ROTS. AOTC… not so much.

Actually, maybe not banging moments. That’s not the Jedi way innit.

I tried to watch those prequels again in Lockdown 1.0 and I honestly couldn’t believe how bad they were.



Darth Maul was a total G though.


It’s ok, I understand.

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Yeah, Darth Maul was good. I’ll give it that.

I’m sure there were moments but the effect were awful. Making a kids movie about Trade Federation deals gone sour…There was so much to dislike.


Well yeah, who gives a shit about that?!

Totes, it’s all about Jar Jar Binks, podracing and those cool yellow spaceships. In my memory, the movie is just a mash up of all those things.

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Brian Blessed fish man.

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I never realised that was Brian Blessed before, so obvious

I love the opening 25 mins of ROTS.

This also makes me laugh, Peter S on his Darth Maul VA :joy:

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