TOTM - March 23 - Coming Out

Think I was skating 51mm a lot at that point.

Yer Iv done the half cab out I think? Would love a fakie flip out.

Think Iv done shuv it the other way a few times. But anything where I’m going over the ledge I would fall into boardslide.

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“fall into boardslide” is the default safety action for that trick :smiley: what wheels you skate now? i say i skate 52mm but i keep wheels so long they’re probably 50 or below

Have 54mm on a setup I put together months ago and haven’t skated yet.

saving it for dadlands?


58mm gang :muscle::muscle:

:smiley: :smiley: mad man

lastnights effort, would’ve liked to redo it but the actual camera i was trying to film it on died and then it started snowing a few minutes later :upside_down_face:


:fire: it was you who did that on that nice planter the other day right?

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cheers! yeah pretty much learned them on that planter which is a stones throw away in that clip, figured i’d try and step it up a bit. can see the one i originally did it on to the left and then the bigger one on the right in this PR shot for the redevelopment of the area lol

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omg what a spot!

this is as good a time as any for me to work on your trick. always wanted that one

No way. 5050 front shuv can be legal.


Aye, got very lucky with that spot considering the building to the left is a magistrates court and they’ve never really cared about us skating it, unless court is in session but we’ve only really been moved a handful of times in the 8/9 years it’s been a spot. i remember some of the Welcome lads were visiting a few years back and shut the place down, so good.

give them a shot! I wanted them for a while too but could never crack it since most of the spots I skate regularly don’t have an end on them and it’s way harder to get them out mid way. I think I left some tips on them in the footage thread but to tldr it just have most if not all of your weight on the front foot, dip the board down a little bit when you approach the end and make sure when you go to shove it out you’re actually at the end - just another one of those tricks that seems like it’s solid until you figure out the timings/weight and then it’s piss easy, you got it.

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yeah we had a chat about it in the other thread :smiley: i love having a few things on the boil to try and just swept this one back under the rug

if you want an easier one to try you can give the shove out the opposite way an attempt, most people do them where the board turns frontside and they come out regular, but the opposite way where the board turns backside and you come out switch is something you never really see, fuck if i know where i even picked it up from but it’s fun to do

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Les seemed stoked on the BSNG reevs I submitted for the last TOTM so here’s something in a similar vein.


my god you pop out of those so proper, i flop out of them. I don’t think most pro’s set themselves and do a legit nollie 180 like that

It’s beautiful. It’s lovely. It’s perfect.

I’m afraid because it’s a frontside nosegrind revert it doesn’t count i’m afraid :grinning:

I don’t make the rules. :man_shrugging:


Harsh, but we have to obey the rules.

Tell you what, I always called them nosegrind reverts but recently realised that people started calling them nosegrinds 180 out. :upside_down_face:

Off to the south of France next week but happy to do something else when I’m back.

Lol quality pedantry right there @Les_Zeppelin