Not on my watch.
Mate it’s snowing in Northampton for fuck sake
Yeah mate the weather just got very springlike down here, 14 or 15 degrees today. I had a couple beers chilling in my garden with my pets after filming that, felt good to enjoy the sun while it was here as it’s gonna rain for a while.
Accepted! Dedication to the cause
I think the first submission was legit.
Revert implies a pivot on the ground. @franc was all in the air with a little pop.
Had to put my phone on an empty box of Twinings Earl Grey in order to keep it dry. That’s the most British I’ve felt in a long time.
this 100%. what i do is a revert. almost like sliding the board around on transition. what @franc did was a full 180 pop out
he could’ve cleared a small obstacle after the ledge with that thing
ladies and gentleman of the jury i rest my case
Case rested @franc first submission is super legit.
@Les_Zeppelin cmon mate
Mini bank to curb clip cuz it’s Sunday.
I mean that was only a 90 shuv out so doesn’t count. Sorry.
Extra words for character limit
No darkslides either then? This is getting tricky.
Went to the park to try something but the ledge has a big puddle, what shall I do on the tiny quarter than won’t have a very high potential of me falling over that will qualify?
blunt kickflip out?
That has a very high potential of falling over. I did something simple but the phone died mid film so you’ll all just have to trust me how average it was.
Yea for the first time since we went I think