Trick of the week 2: Naan’s 5.0

Come down and find out for yourself!

Only if you drive the truck. Sick 5-0

I’m afraid I look very me then. Haha.

These streamable vids won’t play for me at all

Fucking hell Franc looks so sick

Me and snurp going to get some tomorrow.

Anyone else in the London area or surrounding towns want to skate then let me know and we will come to you.


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Fucks sake I had a dream about filming this last night

@niallc do you have a car?

I do. where are we going? evening would work better for me I think

Sorry we all bailed. I went to cantelowes on my own, in the end. I can barely even get a slasher on a bank. Kinda bummed.

not as fun as last time

I didn’t do a 50 but I did get a couple of tailslides on the block. Didn’t film anything because there were too many ghetto kids about and then it rained. Honestly don’t know how people over 30 can skate every day, I’ve been twice in 3 days and my body is fuuuucked

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not content with last weeks slowest kickflip ever, i present to you a slightly better kicklfip (to fakie on a bank) followed by the shortest 5-0 in the history of skateboarding. pretty sure jake phelps would have told me that doesnt count - will try to get a better one before friday


Man that park looks awesome for learning stuff. Where is that? Good tricks too :blush::blush:

some cool stuff landed for sure, 5-0 back 180 was sick been trying to learn that one for a while.

wind kinda fucked the angle up but my catastrophic flailing was still caught :man_shrugging:t2:


It’s in walthamstow east london in Lloyd Park. Nice little scene with all ages, but can be a bit annoying with toddlers on scoooters. One eveing last week there were 8 -10 people skating who were 35+


Oh man that was sick. Reminded me of those ones Welsh Tommy does :ok_hand:t3:

Ah man I love that park so much. I might go comp your 5.0 on that pyramid thing. That’s a fun obstacle.

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The Walthamstow skatepark is super fun indeed. I wanna go back there this summer.

The key is to do a short 5-0 and not drag your tail so you can pop the 180 more easily, and to start turning your shoulders for the 180 while you’re grinding. Thinking about Lotti in Now N Later helps for sure too. :upside_down_face:

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