This new park in France was packed and I skated loads and couldn’t be arsed filming and then I hurt my foot so I won’t skate for a minute but I have plenty of ideas for this.
Thought I’d add the rare mofugga slide to this collection as Naanski took care of the classy, stylish, sexy, chic, timeless, always sensational BSTS and BSTS shove yesterday.
I learnt them over 20 years ago and that’s never happened to me. I know what you mean though, I’m also scared of super waxed ledges and I kinda get that paranoia when I want to try backlips on ledges.
Get comfortable with locking into them on unwaxed curbs first then start trying them on obstacles where you know this won’t happen. Backtails feel so good, you want them in your life!
This was my biggest fear for b/s tailslides and lips. It took me years to get over the fear of whooshing out after it happened every time I tried it even on sticky ledges.
when I actually learnt them it was on a bank to ledge in a park. I think coming out of a bank caused me to lean back more and meant I was in control of my slide more.
Thinking about it, it’s quite odd but, a trick that essentially puts you into a back tail that I could do was switch back heel to front nose.
Never slid out on those but you do end up in the same position as back tail.
Maybe it feels more controlled than ollieing into that position.
You know what’s really weird (for me at least)? Doing them on ledges on top of banks is really different from doing them on ledges. I imagine it’s the same on miniramps. The way you have to move your hips and shoulders to lock in properly isn’t the same at all. I have to learn them on ramps now.
Clip from last summer in London while we’re at it:
Back tails are one of may favourite tricks ever, I never could do them on decent sized ledges and they are never long or good looking but regardless, they are one of the best feeling tricks.
I learnt kickflip backtail slides in the mid ninetees though and without the flip way later which I guess is weird.
Ha! That’s so cool. These threads make my try shit I normally wouldn’t try too.
You don’t ollie into a backtail on a ledge like you ollie into a back D on transition. Don’t scoop the ollie, pop and then rotate. Hopefully this makes sense and will help you.
I was trying to go for a back five-0 and then turn, I think that’s how I learned front rails back in the day. Think I need to lean onto it a lot more because I kept dipping the front foot
It’s a pop and stab, you have to really imagine the motion and perfect it like a dancer would perfect a move, you can’t sloppy a backtail, you just end up not getting in.
Pause a frame of Kenny Anderson doing one and you’ll see the stance you have to pose once you have popped. Pop, stab the tail at the ledge and pose… drop out when the ledge decides for you to.