Trick of the Week 9 - Wayout's Switch Maneuvers

But…you are???

To slide one you’ll have to come at some kind of angle.

See also, front bluntslides on ledges.

This is my point, I don’t mean going in to the trick, I mean coming out! so Frontside Blunt - Blunt then Frontside Ollie out/in to the ramp, then Frontside Bluntslide - going in to the trick frontside and sliding but… then you could Backside Blunt or go to Fakie out of it… If you were applying the street rules ie Frontside Bluntslide, that applies to the way you’re facing the ledge when you approach it, not the way you’re coming out of the trick, like in Frontside Blunt…

I think I follow…

A backside ollie out of a frontside Bluntslide on a ramp I assume would be:

Frontside Bluntslide to alley oop backside 180 out.

I need a pigdog ruling on that though.

Frontside Blunt - Frontside refers to OUT the Blunt
Frontside BluntSLIDE - Frontside refers to the IN to the Blunt - The out could be something else

So adding slide flips the naming convention…

The Switch Blunt thing… It would depend on your line to it no? If you did a Rock Fakie before then it would be a Fakie Noseblunt, if you did a Switch 5.0 then you could then claim it’s a Switch Blunt perhaps…

I just know Nowik says there’s no such thing as a Switch Blunt, probably because it was invented Fakie first, before Switch even existed perhaps…

You approach the coping rolling fakie. I’m pretty sure noseblunts on transitions were invented before people started skating switch, hence the noseblunt and not switch blunt nomenclature. I call it a noseblunt if you do what LA did, and a fakie noseblunt if you use the coping to pop a fakie ollie into it.

Yeah, I’m 37.


(Possibly incorrect:) I think they were invented by Garry Scott Davis, who christened it Helen Keller as you can’t see what you’re doing, you do the trick ‘blind’. It’s got the definite whiff of a Neil Blender trick/name combo too though.

Yeah I’m 46

I’m guessing Helen Keller just didn’t stick… Like a Peterka grind…

you don’t though

I thought it was Aaron Deeter

Yeah I’m 42

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I get confused with frontside / backside… let alone bloody switch.

I’m 46.



You may well be right. In his Speed Freaks part, GSD holds this brown paper bag in front of his face, and that might be why I thought it was him. It does seem like the kind of thing that either he or Deeter would invent, both pre-switch.


soz, that’s a screengrab, go and watch it for yourself kids

Cannot believe my trick cause so much controversy. In my eyes this is switch because its opposite feet to the regular one?! Its not fakie to me. If I was bashing it off of the coping a la what Franc said then yeah fakie gets a look in.

Do you need me to do another switch trick?! HA

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Switch ollie/fakie nollie

We need to get to the bottom of this, I need to know whether to disqualify LA before making a decision



Zero controversy here, we’re just being passionate nerds.

Your trick inspired me to go out and try something new, and this is what these threads are really about in my eyes.

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Really tricky. There’s 4 things to consider:

  1. Like franc I would 100% call that a noseblunt because that’s the convention I grew up with.

  2. However, if you popped into (almost) any trick** that is now switch (i.e. a switch backtail) so maybe this is one that should be updated to be called a switch blunt?

  3. If you ride up fakie and deck your board in the middle that’s a switch Rock. What’s the difference between a ‘switch’ Rock and a ‘switch’ blunt? Nothing. You wouldn’t fall that a disaster so why is it a noseblunt?

  4. However again… a **fakie tailstall is not in dispute. We would never call that a ‘switch nosestall’.

So in summary you ride fakie at the coping and:

you put your board down on the tail = fakie tailstall.

You put your board down in the middle = switch rock.

You put the board down on the nose in a blunt = can of worms. It’s switch and fakie at the same time.

I think the clincher is that because you wouldn’t call a switch rock a disaster (with no frontside or backside applied) I would be happy for this to finally be called a switch blunt.

To me it’s a noseblunt because of the way your shoulders face the transition.

And yeah, I’m 37.

Same as a the switch rock though. You’re facing back in to the transition.

You’re not calling that a disaster are you?

Same franc. it’s the body language.
Switch means you’re facing out the ramp, fakie you’re still facing more in the ramp. Most of the time people are doing it fakie noseblunt because you’re nollieing back in facing in the ramp.
And as for the rock argument, it’s the same. Fakie rock or switch rock, depends where you are more faced.
Also when the trick was invented there was no switch, only fakie. I kinda recognise the name Hellen Keller but I would never have remembered what trick it was for.