Trick of The Week - Hugo’s Kickflip

I’m sure I can do something for Friday,

Is it just this week that is so short between setting the trick and selecting the next one?

I’ll film something Thursday night so I can post it Friday morning.

Yeah. This.

Fucking hell Hugo you awarded a winner about 2 hours after starting the comp, I was thinking entries would be over a week or something

He’s not the winner I just picked someone.

Am I supposed to pick a winner?

I pick Naan because this was kind of a trial and I think he will be able to set a new trick on Friday because this is a short week.

What do you mean mine doesn’t play?

The pace of this game is too damn high.

It should be:

  • The reigning champion records a trick of their choice

  • Each competitor has a week to record a terrain agnostic attempt of the same trick (or a close variant thereof, to allow for variance in technical ability)

  • After a week, the reigning champion chooses their favourite, the new champion records their choice of trick, and the cycle begins anew.

Ideally, when the competitor records their trick attempt for round n, it would be wise for the competitor to also record their choice of trick for round n+1 in case the competitor wins round n. Theoretically, this will minimise downtime and increase efficiency of the collective skateboarding effort.

We need to take this super serious.


Yeah but if I pick a person at the end of the week they won’t have time to get a trick.

Anyway there is a lot of talking and not a lot of kickflips being posted.

Get flipping!

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I m I’m Dubai, it’s Ramadan… No skating here. I’ll do one on Friday!

You posted your clip 13 hours ago and most of us often sleep at night you impatient kid. :kissing_heart:

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I’m confused as fuck. Do I just need to do a kick flip somewhere?


yea man. just film a kick flip somewhat similar to Hugo’s and upload via streamable

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how does this sound for a time frame?

Trick is posted on a Friday (in this case Tuesday)

Film and post the trick by Wednesday, when the setter picks their favorite

The favorite from then has Thursday and Friday to set a new trick and post it by Friday in order to start again.

You could always film an extra trick as backup like @snurp suggested so you have something to fall back on.

Yeah ok.

But in this first case can you set a trick on Friday and then we’ll go with it as you suggested moving forward.

I’m sure we’ll see some late entries of the kickflip but who gives a fuck.

First time I’ve touched my board in about 6 months. Skated in to work and snuck in the cheekiest ugliest kickflop known to man. I think it spun underground.

Not filming it though. Its a kickflip on flat. I pinky promise I can do one of those at least.

Yeah most people will be able to film over weekends so a Friday trick-setting is a good idea. I can’t do unmobbed regular kickflips so I’m definitely sitting this round out.

Standard grumpy old man participation. I bet old Victor would film it

Love a kick-flip me.

