Ukraine and Russia

Getting the kids UK passports (or renewing them) and mine expires next year so mine has to be sent off as well. But am going UK next week as soon as I’m back in Estonia got to send it off for renewal and am shitting it something will happen whilst I don’t have one!


Grim memories of seeing those in the 80s as a kid. How to build a shelter out of doors and sofa cushions.


Fucking hell.



Yeah we’ve been stressing about this too as Mrs family are all in Lithuania. Not like they can just drive to Sydney. There are semi-regular freak outs about this and I’m never sure what to suggest.


for some reason my wife had created an emergency kit a fair while ago. then covid hit and it turned out that we had been saving the wrong things and had no toilet paper. nothing wrong with stocking up a little on stuff that lasts a long time

I said this to my gf about a year ago and she said I was being ridiculous. Who’s laughing now!? :expressionless:

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Surely a weekly shop is the norm and over twice as long as 3 days.
JK obv, I get it.

I have about 9-10 bottles of whisky stashed, bit low on bog roll though.


at least that’s the important bases covered

Stay safe man!

Oooh what’s this? Apparently Ukraine have invaded part of Russia (Kursk/Belgorod)


Ukraine attempted to strike an airport in Moscow last night. Some drones were jammed and shot down (so they say) and a couple (out of tens/hundreds) hit apartment buildings.

I doubt Ukraine would try to hit civilian targets, but an airport is also a civilian target, I think?

Ukraine clearly has balls the size of planets. But also doing what Russia’s been doing for 2+ years.

I wish they wouldn’t. I don’t think i want to see angry, back against the wall vlad

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Sounds sus. As soon as Ukraine loses the moral high ground it’s an excuse for allies to pull funding. And remember a while back when Moscow reckoned a Ukraine drone was zooming about on top of the Kremlin. Does that seem realistic given how close you’d have to get?

What’s sus? The drones were Ukrainian? Or that they could never get that close? Or something else? Genuine question.

Ukraine have been successfully targeting oil refineries around Russia for some time now

Sus that they’d start trying to bomb civilian airports. As you say, bit of a departure from their previous stance. That was always ‘something Vlad would do but not us’

There seems to be a clear change in tactics the moment they crossed the Russian border. If Ukraine can strike within Russian territory then it undermines Putin’s theory of invincibility. Russians will start to get upset with Putin if he can’t defend them.

As for the airport, I’d consider that a valid target in warfare. Sucks there could be civilians but it’s a major piece of infrastructure. Probably less murderous that striking tower blocks or market places.

Also proves that Putin’s ‘red lines’ are pure bluster.

They always asserted they would use nuclear weapons if any part of Russia’s territory was violated but so far…nada.

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The tactic is to bring home the fact to the more well-heeled Russians living in Moscow that they are, in fact, in a war that money cannot insulate them from. And that they may have to suffer some measure of inconvenience to their everyday lives, such as disrupted air travel or drone attacks.

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