Unpopular skate opinions

Because it’s fun? Because learning is fun?


Haha man it’s the time, I got so many other normal tricks to learn switch is like trying to learn to swim in mountaineering gear.

Switch helps with other tricks though

That’s the beauty of skateboarding, there’s always something different and new to learn, no matter how good you are.

One day you discover that skating ledges switch and backside is actually possible for you too and it’s like a new universe opens its doors to you. The same could be said about most moves I suppose.

I find nollies and nollie tricks hard, I can do a crop dust sw180. I’ll fuck about with it in a game of skate but generally with the limited time before my body says no, I’ll focus on all the regs stuff I should have done when I was younger .

Nah fair enough you do you buddy


Games of skate are horrible.

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I like it when a switch trick looks switch.

Switch heel flips and reg ones are completely different and mostly even look better switch.


Oh, what I am about to say is fitting to the thread title completely, then.

Games of SKATE are fun to watch.


Learning tricks switch isn’t just learning the same trick again, they all work differently from the regular versions. They’re just more tricks to learn


Arguably longboarding is the purest form of skateboarding


Oh I get that but I’m so right footed that anything switch for me looks like I’m being tazered . Utterly pointless waste of time

And banging a stick on a rock is the purest form of music.

Most skateboarders are just average, impressionable basic bitches.


I love skateboarding but I can’t possibly remember every pro skater from the last 30 years, and I can’t consume every single piece of footage that comes out


Andy Anderson is good at skateboarding.

Grip tape can be placed over bolts.

Pressure flips are rad.

Carrying your board by the truck is actually comfortable and works quite well.
( although I can’t come to terms with this one).

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People who say “if you need wax you’re not going fast enough” are mostly shit old dudes who could probably just about muster a 6 inch 5-0 grind on the end of a ledge and their opinion is invalid


yep totally sometimes you go mach 10 and the fucker still sticks. Then what?

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This isn’t really an unpopular opinion and more of a sad realisation: This baggy pants shit that half of us already lived through is possibly the first real ‘fashion comes in cycles’ thing that we’ve experienced the first. time round and it’s a little unsettling.

What could be unpopular is seeing pros in their 40s digging their old size 40s out the wardrobe makes me cringe cough Reynolds cough

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Sorted that for you as he tops the table for that . Even tho I have no problem with baggy trousers at all.